Diarrhea-controlling medication can make the situation much worse. Grass some pyracantha bushes. She's really weak and I think it's because she's not eating. If you want goat milk, you could start milking her. When the goat can’t belch and gas builds up, she can die. I assumed it was stress caused because she was still adjusting to a new environment, her mother was sold the day before I picked her up, she’s on different food from what they fed her, the weather shifted significantly a week after we got her….etc. A goat that has irregular bowel movements: diarrhea or clumpy stools. You should also use a rectal thermometer to see what the goat’s body temperature is and, if necessary, do a microscopic examination of feces. Plus, considering the circumstances, I think it would be good to get a vet’s opinion of what’s going on. If it was just something they ate, it clears up by then.Coccidia really is not scary. About a week and a half ago one started acting very lethargic and low energy and not wanting to take the bottle, he will only drink about 3 oz. Haven’t seen him eat but did seem like some of his hay was eaten. I give them free choice orchard grass and a little bit of alfalfa, but they usually seem to want to eat weeds from their pen instead.

Coccidia has a 3-week lifecycle, so if that’s it, it was not brought in by the new guy — or maybe he does have it, but it would not affect your goats that fast. Diarrhea never smells like roses, but if this is unusually bad, it could be that he ate something that completely threw off his microbiome.A year is a little old for coccidiosis, but if it hasn’t cleared up, you could try treating him for that before taking a fecal to the vet.I don’t like to ever leave a goat alone, especially if they’re not feeling well to begin with, because they get stressed out when alone, so if the kid is the only companion he has, I probably wouldn’t remove her. He has had 3 doses of corid so far, should I have seen improvement by now or should I finish the last 2 doses and then take a fecal to the vet if there is still no improvement?You do normally see an improvement by now. He is so lathargic today. 26. While they are adaptable and hardy in many respects, goats stress easily and sometimes give up quickly when they are ill. Her bloodwork came back very poor, she is so anemic that the vets were amazed she is still standing. Another thing you might want to remember is that consuming too much milk can cause diarrhea for goat babies as well, but that’s another story. They all got up and I made sure each nursed almost immediately. How long would you recommend? checked his pen thoroughly, nothing out of the ordinary. Since it didn’t seem to improve I checked her famacha two days ago and it was at a 5! CoRid (amprollium) is still available over the counter, but you must use Vitamin B1 (thiamine) injections along with CoRid because it is a thiamine inhibitor. You usually only see it in young kid at weaning when they get stressed out. Although you can buy the medication for it at the farm supply store, I’d suggest taking the kid to the vet. It’s all about risk of exposure, which varies from one pen to another.Thank you very much. It tends to be a problem for kids during times of stress like weaning or going to a new home. If you press on the left side of his stomach, it should feel like you are pressing into cookie dough. All are thriving, but this morning diareaha and again after about 8 hrs. Shes such a sweet goat, it’s sad not knowing what to do to help her. Baby goat with diarrhea and won't eat! I have combed thru the pen getting rid of anything toxic . That is a wasting disease that can also cause diarrhea, and animals do not sero-convert at the same speed. In case a kid gets diarrhea before the age of three weeks, it’s most probably caused by this infectious agent or by having drunk too much milk. I got home from running errands tonight and 2 of them had green diarrhea.