It's a waste of time. A neoconservative group called Project for a New American Century, which included the defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, and the vice-president, Dick Cheney, brought out a report arguing for a global expansion of American military and economic supremacy, and for the US to transform itself into a “one-world superpower”.
"Since the attacks, the US government has issued three reports into the events of the day, all of which involved hundreds of professors, scientists and government officials.

"But Jonathan Barnett, professor of fire protection engineering at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts, calls such claims "bad science". Evidence, he says, of the biggest cover-up in history - one too evil for most to believe, but one he has staked his academic career on exposing.The attacks of September 11, Jones asserts, were an "inside job", puppeteered by the neoconservatives in the White House to justify the occupation of oil-rich Arab countries, inflate military spending and expand Israel.

The common enemy is usually Jews, big government or corporations. In recent years, the American public has felt misled over false claims that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and that Saddam Hussein was connected to 9/11. This material may not be reproduced without permission.Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of They are willing to say hearsay is a fact, and rumour is true, and accidents are never what they seem. "Perhaps it is no coincidence that the public's willingness to believe conspiracy theories parallels their dissatisfaction with the Bush administration. The twin towers must, they say, have been brought down by explosives – hence the container of dust on Jones’s desk, sent to him unsolicited by a woman living in lower Manhattan. The report appeared at on July 13, 2017, under the headline, “ CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC7 On 9/11. That caused the top floors of both towers to collapse on to the floors below. We don’t want to be lumped in with those folks.” This website uses cookies in order to improve your browsing experience. And they insist that they have amassed a wealth of scientific data to prove it. “The case is always presented in a prosecutorial way, or the way an adventure writer presents a novel.
The Pentagon was not hit by American Airlines Flight 77, but by a smaller, remote-controlled A-3 Sky Warrior, which shot a missile into the building before crashing into it. The building had not been hit by a plane, only damaged by fire. But, tumble down the rabbit hole with Jones, and the plotline begins a year earlier, in September 2000. “Europe and Canada are way ahead of us on this.” The 9/11 scholars go to great lengths to portray themselves as rational thinkers, who have been slowly won over by a careful, academic analysis of the facts of the day.

They parked on the underground B-2 level. The group, in concert with about 20 others, orchestrated the attacks of 9/11 as an excuse for pre-emptive global aggression against Afghanistan, then Iraq and soon Iran, the academics say.

This is all part of their war-mongering plot. The public laps it up, either because these theories are more exciting than the truth, or out of emotional need. "To plant bombs in three buildings with enough bomb materials and wiring? Yes, it is unusual for a steel structure to collapse from fire, Barnett agrees. Reluctantly, he has familiarised himself with the scholars’ claims – many of them have emailed him. an internet user named David Rostcheck wrote, "or did anyone else recognise that it wasn't the airplane impacts that blew up the World Trade Centre? And the Federal Emergency Management Agency weighed in, examining the response to the attacks. “To plant bombs in three buildings with enough bomb materials and wiring? In the Midwest, 61 legislators signed a petition calling for the dismissal of a University of Wisconsin assistant professor, Kevin Barrett, after he joined the 9/11 Scholars for Truth. “People will disregard evidence if it causes their faith to be shattered,” he says. "History has revealed that governments have a tradition of misleading the public into going to war, says Barrett, and the next generation of Americans will realise the truth. By continuing to use this site you agree to the use of cookies.