Zwift Insider is independent of Zwift corporate (We use cookies to personalize content (including ads) and analyze our traffic. And that’s probably a good thing, for now.Are you a non-subscriber who is annoyed by these changes? But he’s faster.My GTC goes down to 200 when I’m running ‘fairly fast’. Has anyone else noticed this and will following come available in Strava for Zwift rides.It won’t show up on mobile, but works fine on the web to look upAnyone who doesn’t like the changes can go build their own service. He worked long hours at an IT job and had no prior running experience. Also works while cycling…or for that matter driving your car if you want to check your speed Like theres not enough spiralling costs in the economy at the minute!I un-linked my Zwift account from my Strava feed at the beginning of lockdown period, I didn’t need my boss seeing all my Zwift rides when I was ‘working from home’ hehe Strava needs to do more clean-up on the zwift segments IMHO, there’s still way too many. (IE the Salisbury 54321 50 K ultra which he used as a training run whilst, to some degree, fatigued).So. I have no issues with what they are doing…probably would have been a paying customer sooner if they had played their hand soonerA lot of what makes Strava fun is comparing myself to friends. Although it always makes me laugh when I see the paces of his "easy" running. I guess that’s true, though, they did find a way to turn off features pretty darn instantly for everyone a couple weeks ago.

As it is it’ll drove away casual€60 a year is way too expensive.

Strava is fun but I use it maybe 15 minutes/week, zwift I do 5+ hours/week, on a monthly sub Strava is looking to charge half the zwift fee for a bit of willy waving with your mates. PRs of more than thirty days and Zwift live segments for all courses would be greatAs a free app, Strava has been the best and highest impact tool out there for cyclists and runners. Haim: Behind the Album. Services aren’t free.Many of Strava’s services aren’t useful to Zwifters. Anyway you can buy Goji berries from TIGER in the UK for about £1 for a large pack. Some of the new Garmin 620 metrics. What can you buy these days for $16? We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. (Wins all round)Agreed, paid subscriber to Strava, I get less data for my money from Zwift which I frankly find more annoying than the changes Strava just made.Awesome review Eric. If you use it pay for it, pretty simple.To be honest, the first thing stava should fix are the segment pollutions due to incorrect calibrated trainers before I would consider a paid subscription.For instance on alpe du zwift, I really wonder how many of the top ten times are accurate.. and not only the top ten times are severely polluted.Can we have all segment stuff for less per month please. A map of all of the rides Steve Abraham did during his cycling Highest Annual Mileage Record attempt has been produced courtesy of cyclists’ social network Strava… Steve Berkey. My (non-subscriber) wife will lose some functionality, but nothing she cares about. Enjoy the great prices. In this article I outline 11 techniques from one presentation, the iPhone launch in 2007 . A subscriber who is perfectly fine with it? But if my friends aren’t willing to pay and end up using other or no riding apps then there’s no value in the friends/club leaderboards anymore, anyways. The vertical oscillation data appears inconclusive and it seems that ground contact time is reduced the faster you go. Length. So it’s a decent gamble but also affordable enough that I’m sure I’ll take the plunge once my 2 month trial is over and if not I’ll still use it for ride logging.Great idea for Zwift Companion. If Garmin and Apple joined forces to put some seriousMy yearly $47.99 subscription (training and analytics) expires in a week, and Apple is still giving me the Summit pack renewal options ($23.99 for one pack, $47.99 for two, and $59.99 for all three).

My vertical oscillation may well be lower/better. Especially when you start using the heatmap to see where people have been and where they’ve avoided. OK, OK, I’m the first to admit that I would not beat Steve Way over any distance except, maybe 60m. Netflix: Taylor Swift Reputation Tour. I’ve been using Garmin connect to draw out my routes, using the built in popularity routings where I’m unsure to build routes and send directly to my Garmin for years. The basic premise of the anti-strava argument is false: that every ride, all of the time, you are going for a leaderboard or PR time. At £4, she said she may subscribe. €2 a month or €20 for a full year would still be OK for a gimmick but the threefold of that is even more than I pay for my daily used car navigation or my phone contract.After reading this, I wonder if I should actually really using Strava? The value is in the aggregated data of thousands of users, you saying you’re paying with your data is like chucking a couple of pennies at Ford and expecting a car in return.If Zwift did a proper implementation of segments and limited it to official segments they created themselves I would happily pay a bit extra a month.I was a subscriber for a few years but strava insistence on ignoring bugs and almost exclusively focusing on features nobody wants made me loose interest in paying, why pay for things that have no value. Steve Atkins. Given the context of seeking profitability, it’s no surprise that yesterday’s changes expand the features available for subscribers. Come on Zwift, give us better data!I am a non-subscriber on Strava. We also get your email address to automatically create your Zwift Insider account. At $10CAD I think it’s a bit high for what it is/what I use it for (social and route planning). It’s completely ridiculous.I have been using Strava free for years.