A number of progressive activists started meeting and working after the 2o16 election.

“The DCCC announced the launch of a targeted digital ad buy in California’s 10th Congressional District, to highlight congressional candidate Ted Howze’s extreme and Trump-like views on immigration and protecting America’s DREAMers,” the DCCC website says (DCCC emphasis). California’s primary election will

“I have a different perspective for pro-life matters because

Howze’s social media posts recently revealed through news reports are disgraceful, disgusting and do not represent the values we hold or the Party we are building,” Jessica Millan Patterson, the chair of the California Republican Party, said while announcing they were pulling their endorsement and support.“The content in question on Mr. Howze’s social media channels is disappointing and disturbing,” McCarthy said in a statement to The first batch of unearthed postings attacked Muslims, immigrants, LGBTQ people, and the Black Lives Matter movement. abortions,” he said. We need to get back to having


He gave Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom shortly before the world ended and yes, there is a connection.

“I think we agree on about 90

Stephen Robinson is a writer and social kibbitzer based in Portland, Oregon. In a bizarre excursion into Trumpworld, candidate for Congress Ted Howze has accused “Democrats” of, “a coordinated voter fraud scheme to steal a seat in U.S. House of Representatives from Republicans in the California 10Let that sink in. “Why are we driving over the hill to the Bay Area for jobs?

Some of the posts in the second batch were signed, “Ted Howze American Citizen.” 45. Howze’s entire loony theory depends on a scenario too wacky even for the tinfoil hat crowd. Howze had the chance to answer the question first.“Quite well,” he said with a smile, garnering a raucous “I’ve shown Stockton's Lizard Lady | Studio209 Another political truism is that votes favoring Democrats trend later than votes favoring Republicans, especially in California.Ted Howze asks, “What are the odds that thousands of ‘no propensity voters’…suddenly decided to vote again in…2018 after years of not doing so?” Actually, the odds are 100%, because that’s by definition what happens when there’s a record turnout.The fact is, Ted Howze’s claim of voter fraud depends on the belief that hundreds of Democratic “collaborators” were not only willing to risk voter fraud convictions (and the consequent jail times and fines) but were capable of running from poll to poll and forging signatures on Election Day and have all remained silent since, not just in California Congressional District 10, but in every come-from-behind election in the state. He’s not only argued that Democrats stole the election in California Congressional District 10, he’s said, “the same tactic was likely used throughout California to defeat several Republican members of Congress.”Stripped of its irrelevant verbiage, Howze’s argument begins with a guilty verdict:“In our experience, there is a sufficiently large enough sampling of absentee and poll day votes counted by the close of Election Night that, unless a candidate has committed a crime in the waning days of a campaign, the final percentages rarely change by more than 1 percent.”Really Ted? Can I use profanity to comment on weak conspiracy theories?I don’t know how you do it, but I’m glad you do. Democrat Josh Harder currently holds the seat.She’s escaped her parent’s ban on using Twitter and she’s not holding back.Trump reportedly hired her because she looked good on television.Trump Jr.’s lame joke about Barbie committing voter fraud has Mattel firing back at the president’s son.Beth Doglio would become the state’s first out LGBTQ person to be elected to Congress.The state GOP platform includes so many extreme anti-LGBTQ tropes that some Republicans are apologizing for it.

Undecided voters walking out of a candidate forum hosted by Voter fraud is a felony, punishable by five years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine, but Howze isn’t claiming an isolated instance here.

He has to be wondering why he’s suddenly a Republican fall guy, even after checking all the boxes in the Donald Trump …

Republican Party of Stanislaus County with a committee vote.

He certainly didn't write them! Turlock’s Soderstrom headed to the Big Leagues