But does it have a future as an Olympic sport next to world renowned martial arts? Your limitations always have been & always will be your limitations and reality always has been & always will be reality. With the Ryabko/Vasiliev line it's really inconsistent.Would you share the name of the instructor that influenced you? The Systema teachers that started spreading the word claimed that it was derived from the fighting techniques used by the Soviet armies which were kept under taps during the existence of the USSR. Words fail to express how impressive this guy is.Brad Scornavacco is based out of Longmont, CO & also travels nationwide. Systema's major problem is that there is a serious lack of quality control, especially in N. America so you never really know what you are going to get from school to school. If you are a beginner, you can’t possibly know how good the teacher is, unless he’s totally worthless.

Real humans doing a very real movements.Though I sat down to write an AAR of this weekend’s seminar, it turned into something else. My search lead me to Mark Winkler and the Russian martial art of Systema, which up to that point I’d never heard of before. I’ll wrap up by giving the contact info for the 2 instructors from the seminar.Al McLuckie is based in Ft. Wayne, IN & travels to instruct nationwide. Sadly the answer depends on your experience. So I signed up and from that point on systema was basically gospel to me. If they can't offer a scientific explanation as to how it works then it's just as fake as any magic trick.There different versions of Systema, the video you are talking about shows Mikhail Ryabko and Vladimir Vasilliev. I have this friend we can call him Phil. I’ve experienced hits as hard in my martial studies, but never with so little effort on the part of the hitter.

Before turning to Systema, he was a 6th Dan Karate. What do you think of the answers? And by incredibly hard I mean- OH MAMA, THAT HURTS!!!!!! For example, the popular Systema Vasiliev, Systema Kadochnikova and Systema Ryabko are all different types of Systema named after the head teachers.

I researched around and narrowed it down to 4 I want to do/choose from: Combat Sambo, Krav Maga, Aikido and Systema. However, I started looking into it more, and I discovered a huge amount of people that say that Systema is "bullshit" and "a waste of time". The only other thing I would add is that there also seemed to be some I am a systema student {Mainly kadochnikov style stuff but a little of Ryabko and a few others thrown in} of about 5 years (so hardly an expert, but I am not bad) I have also done "mixed martial arts"{Mainly kick boxing and BJJ based stuff}, taekwondo, and a bit of muay thai. When I'm tagged in belt testing of pictures ect he always has something to say about how I did. Systema seems to suffer from a lot of the same issues that traditional arts often do: overthinking things.

My workouts are a mix of YRG & Systema calesthenics & ugly, learning curve flailings that to the untrained might look a little like Systema strikes.-When I combine the above, I can move better, period. Today Slavorum is focused on international audience to bring them all the information they need about events, travel, culture, history, science, entertainment and food from Slavic cultural and geographical parts of the world!This website stores cookies on your computer to improve our website and provide personalized services to you. Who invented it?Don't believe everything you see. You’re welcome to apply Systema to any facet of your life: shooting, driving, swimming, up to & including, uh, that one really pleasant, shared, physical activity. This paradox alone contributes to a lack of a universal structure – something that cannot be seen in other acclaimed martial arts. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement. Slavorum is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. I never got the systema hate until I trained with this guy. Phil believes that because he is Asian he knows everything there is to know about martial arts. I was literally wtf'd.TL:DR: I thought systema sucked and then the instructor proved me very wrong.So as a systema convert after a couple of years of training I went to a seminar, it was a good seminar and I partnered up with a stranger. Guys who have trained with them say that the whole one touch thing is a tiny miniscule portion of what they actually do.None the less, that sort of nonsense I really don't believe in.

Core aspect of Systema is usage of modern knowledge of physics, physiology and psychology. Please keep to the subject at hand and take the squabbling to YMAS or Trollshido. Q: “Which martial arts is Systema composed of?” A: Systema is not composed of other martial arts, not really, not exactly. I spent Sunday with people able to do this with every strike. Director and Chief Instructor of Systema Headquarters, Toronto. This guy was apparently an instructor. Show me one guy who can use that **** to save his own life and then tell me why we have soldiers dying at war and people dying in the streets. Fortunately I was polite and didn't just kick him in the face.TL;DR: I get the hate. Born in Russia, Vladimir Vasiliev received intense combative training and profound Systema training from Mikhail Ryabko. Based in Toronto, Canada, this organization teaches a variety of Russian martial art styles including Sambo, Slaviano-Goretskaya Borba, the military style of Kadochnikov, plus a variety of folk styles. I had nothing. The funny thing with Systema is that there are a large number of LEO's (myself included), millitary personel and people with serious martial arts back grounds that now study the system. The fact that new names keep popping up with new training methods and combat moves makes it seem like there is no right or wrong version of the system, which only fuels the controversy that surrounds it.While the core of the Systema is indeed a string of combat moves, the actual fighting comes down to one single purpose – self-defense.