Speckles the Tarbosaurus (Korean:얼룩, Eollug) is the titular protagonist of the 2012 Korean film of the same name (released in America as The Dino King), and its 2017 sequel Speckles the Tarbosaurus 2: The New Paradise. His son is glad to see him but Speckles instantly shames him for not putting up a fight, Junior tries to explain what he was doing but he gets cut off and shames him again. But then the ground was shaking, they were wondering what is causing this then they see a gigantic beast, as it got their attention, Fang advices everyone to run. Speckles is a green Tarbosaurus and is the main protagonist of the movie "The Dino King". Later, Blue-Eyes was now giving up and collapses to the ground, Speckles gets her up and motivates her again they seen traveling various places to find a home. Fang berates him for being ungrateful and Speckles defends Cy. as she stops, Cy will announce that he's looking for vengeance while she'll say that she was looking for dinner which Cy suggest that she doesn't eat him since he'll taste like sour but she wants to find out but gets stopped by Speckles again & tells her that Cy is his friend, as Cy ask who she is, she'll instantly answered that her name is Fang. As he looks back, he feels sorry of her and mourns her death, however, his hatchlings were crying for their dead mother, since he can't do anything, he tells them to move along.

Blue and Dusty tell him that Junior was really saving them and is surprised.

Since they kidnapped his son, he'll try everything to find them. He admits that he's brave and Junior smiles as they roar in triumph. The next day, when Junior tries to go hunting, he is ambushed by a pack of Deinonychus raptors. Cy will be disappointed but then the female will back Speckles away from the meal, Cy will constantly talk to her but she would just ignore him until he tells her to leave his "friend" alone. He hears a roar from another direction and looks to see his son being chased, he intervenes and scares it away. Speckles continues following, but a rainstorm washes their tracks away. He will reappear again in Journey to Fire Mountain where he struggles with his son not being much of a Tarbosaurus. However, One-Eye saw this and provokes another stampede that heads toward where Speckles and his hatchlings are.

He watches her chase a Carnotaurus with a egg on it's mouth and stops him, the Carnotaurus tries to trick her which she wasn't fooled that easily and knocks the egg off it's mouth, as the egg was bouncing to Cy, she ask Cy to try and catch it and fails then Speckles catches it with his mouth, a Pukyongosaurus approached him and Speckles gives the egg to her, the Carnotaurus will now target Fang, she was at first handling this but untimely gets taken down, Speckles sees this and finally helps her, as he recovered from the venom & also since Speckles has fighting experience, multiple Carnotaurus try to attack but get taken down instantly, and after Cy fights them as well. " Everyone was exhausted from thirst and hunger... and the Velociraptors. As the poison spreads through his body, he begins to hallucinate and they fall into a sinkhole. They go through a deep, dark ravine and are attacked by a pack of giant Brontoscorpios. He then sleeps somewhere away from the nest with the dry bone he has.

Speckles fights and kills them all, but not before getting stung in the leg.

At first, the couple fought for meat when they were little. The day after, Speckles sleeps next to Blue-Eyes while his hatchlings play together and Speckles was living happily with his life but then a volcano erupts causing every species to evacuate the place and the nest wasn't safe anymore and they all try existing out but the rocks on the ceiling were falling and one of the hatchlings were killed, Speckles picks up one of his hatchlings then Junior collapses and was saved by mom which cause a boulder to crush her leg.

He puts his hatchlings beneath him and charges out of there and knocks out any Velociraptors, once out, he'll look back and the Velociraptors were now approaching her carcass which Speckles mourns to the sky, Speckles will upset to see his hatchlings crying for their dead mother, Speckles can't go back and tells them to move along and now has to watch over his 2 remaining hatchlings. The group try to escape from the lava and try to break through the exit, but the wall is completely solid. As they still fight it, Fang was getting exhausted and the Beast was struggling, Speckles bites it again which caused more pain and then the beast got him off his leg, as Speckles was down, luckily Junior & his friends got it's attention then run. When he reached adulthood, Speckles' body has now developed stripes on his back, upper legs and tail. After defeating One-Eye, he'll celebrate with Blue-Eyes then takes her to his old nest which now he is happy to be a family with her. He is a vicious, scarred Tyrannosaurus rex and Speckles' nemesis who is bent on killing Speckles and creating havoc in the valley for his own a… The Tarbosaurus begins to understand that it would be too harsh for his son. Cy lures them to a cliff and Speckles and Fang interrogate one of the raptors.

When Speckles gets up, he'll see the huge pile of healer herbs attached to his leg and she wanted him to eat since he looked like he needed one. They manage to escape as the rocks close behind the entrance.

After that, Speckles will try to avoid him and hope bad luck happens to him. After that, he has now started living his life with her and when they were traveling somewhere she pushes him and runs while he chases her, at first they come across a lake with a great view from the sky's hue.

Junior was named after his father due to his strong resmblance towards Speckles.