This specially processed composite view reveals a tremendous amount of structure in the northern polar atmosphere of Titan. ‹ The template Failed verification is being considered for merging.› [failed verification] Activity was minimal until early 2010. This composite image is a simulated true color image of part of asteroid Vesta's northern region, which contains the 'snowman craters.' The relative proximity of the electrically conductive region to the surface may explain why Jupiter's magnetic field is more complex than Saturn's.An image of Jupiter's synchrotron radiation obtained with the VLA in 1994 is shown in Early in the 20th century (∼1930), Jupiter captured a comet, now known as comet D/Shoemaker–Levy 9. On Ganymede, Hubble Space Telescope spectra have identified molecular oxygen, and the Another interaction with the external environment of the satellites is micrometeoroid bombardment. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and is the largest planet in the solar system. This animation shows the Cassini spacecraft approaching Titan. In addition to two large craters, Pan (100 km wide) and Gaea (80 km wide), Amalthea has mountains that are about 20 km high.

The high resolution images were obtained at ranges which varied from 245,719 kilometers to 403,100 kilometers.Launched in October 1989, Galileo entered orbit around Jupiter on December 7, 1995. The tip of the shadow of the moon Tethys is cut off where it crosses Saturn's B ring, demonstrating the variations in density across the planet's rings.

These events were widely observed, at wavelengths across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Convection in the metallic hydrogen interior is likely responsible for the generation of Jupiter's magnetic field. Jupiter's auroral displays are the most energetic in the solar system. After more than 13 years at Saturn, and with its fate sealed, NASA's Cassini spacecraft bid farewell to the Saturnian system by firing the shutters of its wide-angle camera and capturing this last,... The Voyager 1 flyby showed this factor to be 1.78 ± 0.009A clear temporal association of the X-ray emission intensity with a jovian UV flare has been observed during a simultaneous Within the orbit of Io are at least four satellites: Adrastea, Metis, Amalthea, and Thebe (see Amalthea is a dark, reddish, heavily cratered object reflecting less than 5% of the visible radiation it receives; the red color is probably due to contamination by sulfur particles from Io. Plumes of icy material extend above the southern polar region of Saturn's moon Enceladus as imaged by the Cassini spacecraft in February 2005.
)(Adapted from I. de Pater et al., 2003, Jupiter's radio spectrum from 74 MHz up to 8 GHz.

(a) [I. de Pater et al., 1997, Synchrotron evidence for Amalthea's influence on Jupiter's electron radiation belt, (S. H. Brecht et al., 2001, Modification of the jovian radiation belts by Shoemaker–Levy 9: An Explanation of the data, (Figure reproduced with permission from AAS Publications. Should future missions allow a systematic study of this system, it will be of interest to learn whether with steady upstream conditions reconnection We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Klein.) It began in December 2008 with a smoothed minimum sunspot number of 2.2.

The Cassini spacecraft looks toward giant Saturn and its moon Tethys, while a large and powerful storm rages in the planet's southern hemisphere. The currents associated with the ionization process greatly affect the plasma properties in Io's immediate vicinity. Right now, most of the planets in our skies are retrograde — Saturn, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto, and soon, Mercury and Uranus will join in as well. The total flux density increased by ∼20% (The first FUV spectra of Jupiter were measured in sounding rocket experiments in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

Thus, the envelope must be enriched in heavy elements compared to a purely solar composition.

Venus, Earth, and Jupiter assert a small gravitational tug on the Sun as they orbit it.

This means that, averaged throughout the planet, Jupiter is enriched in heavy elements over solar abundances by a factor of 1.5 to 6.Hydrogen and helium compose about 90% of Jupiter's mass.

August 5, 2004 The exceptionally large volume of metallic hydrogen is likely responsible for the great strength of Jupiter's magnetic field. 15–20, 2006].Jupiter's rotation period is 9 hours 55 minutes, so corotating plasma moves faster than any of the moons.Core densities can be assumed in the range from 5150 to 8000 kg/mThe magnetic field of Jupiter at the orbits of the moons oscillates in both magnitude and direction at Jupiter's rotation period of 9 hours 55 minutes.ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. The ices on the surfaces of Ganymede and Callisto are weakly warmed by the Sun and are exposed to near-vacuum conditions.

This hypothesis implies that the elements should all be present on Jupiter in the same proportions that they occur in the Sun.

There are no landforms resembling impact craters, as the volcanism covers the surface with new deposits much more rapidly than the flux of comets and asteroids can create large impact craters. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system.