With the Guardians occupied with the Zamarons' experiments on the Star Sapphires, the Controllers were left to begin their search without opposition from the only two groups that could stop them. Millennia ago, (long even for beings as ancient as the Guardians) the Guardians of the Universe went to war with the Keeper of the Orange Light, in that war their forces were nearly decimated and peace was only reached by making a pact with the Keeper of the Orange Light, and it was covered by a peace treaty with the Spider Guild.

Following the rise of the Sinestro Corps, Oan Guardians Ganthet and Sayd were banished from Oa due to their willingness to embrace emotions and the love they had for one another.. Which Ring would you choose? The first appearance of a power ring was in All-American Comics #16 (July 1940), the flagship title of comic book publisher All-American Publications, which featured the first appearance of Alan Scott.Green Lantern's original alter ego was Alan Ladd, a play on the name Aladdin, until a conflict arose regarding the actor Alan Ladd. Those who wear Indigo Rings can take the power from other Lanterns and use it as though it were their own; they can, and often do, use this ability without permission.Those capable of great love, who have died for love, or who have had love taken from them can use Violet Rings. The second side effect is hunger: Orange Lanterns are plagued with an unending hunger, that can never be satisfied. Orange Energy Conduit: The rings use Avarice energy, supplied by a Power Battery which in most cases takes the form of Orange light. Millennia ago, (long even for beings as ancient as the Guardians) the Guardians of the Universe went to war with the Keeper of the Orange Light, in that war their forces were nearly decimated and peace was only reached by making a pact with the Keeper of the Orange Light, and it was covered by a peace treaty with the Spider Guild. The Orange Lantern Ring grants its bearer an incredible power with two dangerous side effects: Those who are recruited into the corps are infected with constantly insatiable avarice like an infectious disease. Famous Orange Lanterns: Larfleeze, Lex Luthor (former) Yellow Lantern Corps. An Orange Lantern Ring is powered by avarice, or greed. Green energy has the least control over its wielder. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Their goal is to spread love but they do so by crystalizing whole worlds and trapping the inhabitants. The pact stipulated that as long as the Keeper of the Orange Light kept it buried deep beneath the surface of Okaara, then the Vega system would be outside the jurisdiction of the Green Lantern Corps. Each of the seven emotional manifestations of the DCU is represented by a different color (rage - red; greed - orange; fear - yellow; will - green; hope - blue; compassion - indigo; love - violet) and being. Like, “Sorry, I meant to nuke this space burrito but I accidentally discovered how to make anything I can imagine out of willpower which is cool but I still have the munchies.” As time passed, different successor species found themselves able to harness the different types of energy with the assistance of power rings and divided into Corps along those lines. As it turns out, the original Star Sapphire (the light inside the crystal—don’t mess with corpses, kids) was also a parasite that induced the Zamarons and their successors to attack their own objects of affection and to fear men. This hunger, however, does subside in the presence of an active Blue Lantern Power Ring. Orange Lanterns can steal the identities of those they murder and use their rings to create enslaved constructs of those beings.Famous Orange Lanterns: Larfleeze, Lex Luthor (former)Sometimes called the Sinestro Corps, the Yellow Lanterns use fear to fuel their powers; where most of the power rings use the emotions of their bearer, the yellow rings draw on the fear of others. His world was one day conquered by the Lakadakians and he was sent to another planet to work as a slave, but soon escaped to lead a revolt.

The Blue Lantern Corps symbol. They are completely focused on acquiring what they want, whatever it is, no matter the cost.

5 Black Lantern Corps Also the lesser the members of the corps are, the more powerful the Orange Lantern Power Ring becomes: Which is why The Corps ended up being down to only one member, Larfleeze.