She's very rude and talks very fast. Would take again. I didn't use the textbook. Definitely take her class!To be honest this professor is so rude. Comes off rude and thinks all her students lie.Studied abroad with LAW 316 course and lets just say she shouldn't be leading the trip very rude and disrespectful, Doesn't have a sense of direction and will take the time to tell you what your doing wrong. Everything is on SimNet. Easy class if you take good notes. The class is really easy, I took it on campus, but I recommend to take it online because you do not need to be on campus to understand this class. I dont recommend her, no one wants a teacher or instructor that doesnt understand life issues. The homework didn't have anything to do with what she taught in class. Look for your teacher/course on working at Grand Canyon University located in Phoenix, Arizona, United States Quick appointment scheduling. Since she is not clear about what she wants in homework answers, try not to not formulate original thought, just parrot back what you read in the book, word-for-word. This class is definitely an easy A!FOREVER and a YEAR to respond back!!! 3 tests and some homework in the beginning. Professor Buoye's research focuses on customer satisfaction and its relationship to loyalty and firm performance. Which is funny itself -Only three tests -Fast speaker and gets annoyed when you ask her to repeat herself -I recommend notes on a computerOne of the best professors I've had she genuinely wants everyone to pass. Level of Difficulty. As long as you show up, do the homework and practice exams the class is an easy A.Considering I took this class online, this was by far the easiest class one can take if they are an IT major. I'm Professor AlexanderSubmit a Correction. All interactive homework on SimNet. The HW is easy, if you can follow directions. That is is a fancy of saying Microsoft Access. All I could really say is that since it's an online class expect to have some basic knowledge of computers going in and she will take FOREVER AND A DAY to respond back Responds fairly quickly to e-mails, but don't expect your assignments to be graded quickly, took a bit of time to get them graded.Easy class as long you do the work, 14 assignments, 3 tests, plenty of time to work on it and all points can be obtained as long as you go through the book.If you want an easy A take this course. Get ready to read Clear grading criteria Lecture heavy Tough grader Skip class? The discussions are a joke! A very easy to pass class if you just do the work. Just do SIMNET and tutorials.Easy A ever. She means well comes off mean at first but she's really just straight to the point. 1.5. Very patient and kind to my son. The first homework you miss does not count!Very opinionated but shes respected. Tests are timed: you get 2 weeks from the time you start.I love her class! Easy class though. The homework is very lengthy and the tests are difficult.

There hasn't even been a reason to contact the professor.Super easy assignments and exams. Everything is done through Cengage (except discussion posts) and automatically gets graded on Canvas once completed. Really generous when grading.Great professor, you will have to put work in. She doesnt care what you go through. Before that, I spent nine years on the faculty of the Robotics Institute at CMU. Assignments can be time consuming at first, but overall an easy course.Dr Alexander's database management class is the easiest A you'll ever take. Good luck if you get her.SHE IS VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE IN THE SUBJECT, BUT BE READY TO READ AND TO LISTEN ABOUT HER JOKES WHICH ARE VERY DRY, LISTEN TO WHAT SHE SAY AND TAKE NOTE QUICK BECAUSE IT WILL HARD TO GET HER TO REPEAT IT TWICE, MAKE SURE TO READ BEFORE GOING TO CLASS OR YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO KEEP UP.Theres a difference between not understanding because you werent paying attention and genuinely not understanding a line that Professor Alexander has blurred. Take good notes the examples she uses in class are exactly the same as the ones she puts on the tests. The course needs the book to submit assignments.

Professor in the Computer Science department at Valencia College - East and West Campus. 25%.

The staff are very friendly. Rate My Teachers (RMT) is an educational site where students evaluate, rate, and review teachers and courses. Rate Professor Alexander. TAKE THIS CLASS FOR EASY A!She is a really good professor, nice person. I am also still remembered in lovely Oxford, where I did a post-doc with Andrew Zisserman. oh and she like loveslovesloves her son.She's soooo funny and very entertaining. Just be on time and you will get easy extra credits.Online Database Management Systems. No real interaction. One of the best professors I've had she genuinely wants everyone to pass. There's a lot of assignments but they're not hard. A 5-6 paragrapg assignment a week. Not organized and thinks shes above all the sights were amazing but she shouldn't be leading this kind of trip had a hard time coming back.-Caring -Comes off as mean -Only lectures, seldom writes notes on the board -Expects you to know your stuff (read the whole chapter well -Curves tests -Dont disrespect her and youll be fine -Thinks shes funny. Take the practice test 5 times for each section and you'll pass her tests with no problem. She gets super frustrated if you ask her to repeat herself which is frustrating for the student when they truly are not getting it. shes so rude, i came late to class and she verbally attacks me in front of the entire class, sayng i need a psychiatrist. Her teaching style not suited for everyone. Don't think she was checking the submitted work. Professor in the Legal Studies department at Nassau Community College.


I almost wanted to drop the class! A very good professor that is very knowledgeable in civil law. She curves every test, she wants everyone to do good. Don't be late or she'll call you out for it in front of everyone. The practice exams are basically the same thing as the actual exam which really helped. Grade is compromised of SimNet Assignments and 4 Tests. Professor Alexander's Top Tags. Just stay on top of assignment due dates. No assignments except for the first few weeks. TAKE THIS CLASS FOR EASY A!She was kind and respectful through email. She will like you unless you are disrespectful or come in late. Alexander Buoye is an assistant professor of marketing at the Gabelli School of Business.