Let me take a moment to say that she was in great condition and obviously well cared for. JustAnswer is not intended or designed for EMERGENCY questions which should be directed immediately by telephone or in-person to qualified professionals.We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. UCSF Animal Care & Use Program, Rabbit Formulary. 4# I give a small amount, about the size of a pencil eraser. The site and services are provided "as is" with no warranty or representations by JustAnswer regarding the qualifications of Experts. Answer by  She has been losing weight but now it's to the point where I can feel her backbones.

I don’t know whether it will work. Lately, he is making more tears, but there is no redness in his eyes. Iv also noticed mucuEar infection. Now I worried about the ruptured uterus. I will still give does a chance to pass retained kits on their own. Vet assistant.40 yrs. You can choose the type of penicillin you have from the dropdown menu, and enter your rabbit's weight. Her body surely wasn’t prepared to work with the oxytocin, as I had always been told was a requirement. Andrew checked the kit the next day. My 2 month year old rabbit has sneezed about 3 times today and has been kinda lazy, she has eaten but she's been sleeping a lot. other question is I was told that they have to have yogurt I have a pet Netherland dwarf rabbit. : herps, pocket pets, rabbits, poultry, dogs, horses. (By the way, if I get daughters and they a problematic moms, then I will not repeat the effort to get babies.

Oxytocin is a peptide of nine amino acids which is highly conserved in placental mammals, including human. Biology degree. So then I thought maybe she had a mummy or a tumor. While some cows do become dependent on oxy, you can wean them off of it fairly easily. Introduction. It was over 5 inches long!I don’t know whether I was more relieved or May was.I don’t think she’s out of the woods yet. Like if they are warmer than usual or colder.

I wondered if that was going to be it, so I palpated her. After what seemed like an eternity, nothing happened, so I assumed that the theory that the body had to cooperate and she was past that point was right. I need to see her regain her appetite and some weight before I breathe easily. Oxytocin injection contains 20 USP Units of oxytocin and less than 0.4 units of presser activity per mL. The site and services are provided "as is" with no warranty or representations by JustAnswer regarding the qualifications of Experts. Answer by  Many of those who treat mostly dogs and cats are not familiar with rabbits' sensitivities to antibiotics. I have been told that if you feed the rabbit dandelion leaves it will help. In addition to the expression of oxytocin receptors by mammary epithelial cells, specific binding of oxytocin to rabbit mammary epithelial cells was observed. When we had show cows we had cows on oxytocin for everymilking, Memory was on oxy for her entire first lactation and is not on oxy this year.

Proper procedure should be followed to ensure that the subcutaneous fluids are reaching the rabbit, and that the bunny doesn't get hurt from malpractice. I wish I could have found it sooner it could have made such a difference in the outcome of my pet's surgery. I think that overuse would eventually cost me the life of a doe. Answer by  While commercial kitten and puppy milk replacer is readily available, that's not true of rabbit milk. She's still young (born April 21), and I haven't had her long, but I know haw she usually behaves. This started a few months ago when I thought she had gotten into a plant thatI just got a netherland dwarf rabbit from the pet store 2 days ago and he is active pooping fine and eating well.