Some connective tissue disorders include sarcomas, Marfan syndrome, lupus, and scurvy, which is a Vitamin C deficiency that leads to fragile connective tissue.Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an example of a muscle tissue disorder. The end walls, however, are full of small pores where cytoplasm extends from cell to cell. This is the abundant tissues of all the other tissues. Thanks.This was helpful for my study giude i have a big test with 60 questions so thanks againThe plasma consists of 90% water, and remaining includes They are involuntary in nature. This usually also includes fibers, parenchyma and ray cells. Phloem transports food and materials in plants upwards and downwards as required. Though most conduction in xylem tissue is vertical, lateral conduction along the diameter of a stem is facilitated via rays.Phloem is an equally important plant tissue as it also is part of the 'plumbing system' of a plant. The tissue consists of cells like the fibroblasts, fat cells, macrophages, leukocyte, plasma cells and mast cells.These are of many types like adipose tissues, reticular tissue, etc.It is widely distributed connective tissue. It is an inherited disorder that causes muscles to The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, such as memory loss, mood swings, and confusion, are caused by the breakdown of nervous tissue. Cardiac muscle tissue is one of the three types of muscle tissue in your body.
2. (2016, December 04).

Muscle tissue is excitable, responding to stimulation and contracting to provide movement, and occurs as three major types: skeletal (voluntary) muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle in the heart.

Collenchymatous tissue acts as a supporting tissue in stems of young plants. It is made of It supports and connects other tissues like below the skin, between the muscles in This tissue consists of adipocytes (also called fat cells) with fat globules in the matrix of areolar tissue. Grounded on academic literature and research, validated by experts, and trusted by more than 1 million users. Tissue Definition. It is present at sites of secretion, absorption or diffusion of substances.This epithelium is thin and offers the least resistance for the transfer of molecules from one side to another. They transmit impulses from the brain to other body parts and vice-versa. It also gives reinforcement to joints, strengthening and supporting the articulations between bones. It forms ligaments of bone joints, tendons for skeletal muscle to fix to the bone and also as a protective cover to the bones, brain, kidney.As the name indicates, it is highly elastic with an ability to recoil after extension. Meristematic tissues that take up a specific role lose the ability to divide. They do not have end openings such as the vessels. For example, the origin of the cells comprising a particular tissue type may differ developmentally for different classifications of animals. The outer and lateral walls of the cell are often thicker than the inner walls. Primarily, phloem carries dissolved food substances throughout the plant. However, other cellular features such as cilia may also be described in the classification system. As it comprises about 20-25% of total body weight in healthy individuals, the main function of adipose tissue is to store energy in the form of lipids (fat).

This process of taking up a permanent shape, size and a function is called A group of cells which are similar in origin; similar in structure and similar in function are called simple permanent tissue. The nipple of the post-partum female is used by the infant to breastfeed. They are controlled by the brain. There are four different types of tissues in animals: connective, Connective tissue connects or separates groups of other tissues. Compact (cortical) bone: A hard outer layer that is dense, strong, and durable. The cells of the lower layers are thick while those of upper layers near the surface are flat.Further, the upper layer cells might be keratinized, dehydrated to protect from heat, microbes, wear and tear, chemicals, etc. Now, it is also considered to be an Different localizations of the adipose tissue have different roles in the human body. It is found in between all the other tissues and organs in the body. Due to the size of the cells, we can predict that they play a certain role in physiology. They are involved in functions like the secretions, absorption and expulsion.They are found as the inner layers of the stomach, intestine, trachea, etc.In the intestine, they are modified to have microvilli on their free end to help in the absorption of digested nutrients.