Don’t worry about getting those daily long walks in. There is no discharge and the ears are not foul smelling. Even if it doesn’t indicate any serious health problems , cold ears are something that you should address, as a dog’s body temperature should be stable. If so, you need to have your pet examined by one of the staff doctors at Windmill Animal Hospital as soon as possible. You can gauge his temperature by using sensitive body parts like your . Feel your dog's ears and paws. Dogs have a normal body temperature of around 99 to 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Saline Solution: Sterile saline solution is the gentlest liquid to use for cleaning a dog’s ears.

It’s good to cover the bases!Unless you check your dog’s temperature at home, you can’t be sure how high it’s running.Any time your dog displays symptoms of illness, it’s better to have them evaluated by a vet, so any medications or treatments can be administered.There are some cases when a possible fever warrants a swift trip to the vet.If you have any reason to believe your dog ingested something toxic, they should go to the vet ASAP.Sometimes, we don’t realize our dog has eaten something toxic until well after the fact.So if there is any chance your suddenly feverish dog got into something dangerous, get them to the vet immediately.Toxic substances can come from actual poisons used for pest control, household plants, xylitol in some gums (if your We recommend that if you have a dog who becomes feverish, feeling warmer to the touch in addition to having hot ears, for unknown reasons check your house for any evidence that your dog ate something bad for them.If your dog has taken a fall, been in a fight, or otherwise experienced any physical trauma, a fever can indicate something serious.They could have internal bleeding or swelling of the brain – an emergency vet trip is in order.Bites from venomous snakes, spiders, and stings from insects can cause severe reactions in dogs.If you know your dog was bitten by a venomous snake, they need to be taken to a vet – don’t wait for symptoms to appear.If your dog was stung by a bee or wasp, it’s wise to call the vet for further advice.They might advise you to administer an antihistamine, or they could suggest you bring your dog in based on other symptoms they might display.A dog who is struggling to breathe after being stung is likely experiencing anaphylactic shock and should be taken to the vet quickly.Obviously in scary cases like these, there are much bigger things going on besides your dog having hot ears.Again, it will be difficult to accurately monitor your dog’s temperature by feeling them.You should keep an eye on the fever if you’re planning on waiting to take them to the vet.If you have no way to monitor them, it’s better to err on the side of caution and get them to the vet sooner rather than later.Some illnesses can cause temperatures to skyrocket in a short amount of time, which can be fatal.However, a temperature that is low-grade and not climbing isn’t necessarily cause for alarm.In this case, you can probably wait for that vet appointment in the morning before whisking your dog off in the middle of the night.Also, note that sometimes vaccinations cause a low fever in puppies and dogs.This is rarely a concern and is due to the antibodies in the injection reacting with your dog’s immune system.Fevers from vaccinations usually go away in 2-3 days.Your dog could have hot ears because something is bugging them, but not necessarily something that could cause a fever.Dogs can experience ear infections, allergies, and irritation inside their ears.Each of these things has the capability to cause inflammation – and inflammation can turn up the temperature in their ears.You might notice only one ear is hot, but the infection can occur in both ears simultaneously.Ear infections in dogs can be a result of many things, from excess moisture, They should be treated by a vet and could require antibiotics.If your pup has a love for getting in the water, it could put them at a higher risk for an ear infection.Water trapped in the ear can be prime breeding grounds for infection-causing bacteria.Gently blotting your dog’s ears dry after swimming or bathing can help reduce the risk of infection.Dog’s ears – especially folded or droopy-type ears – are usually good at keeping out unwanted debris.Dogs with erect ears are at a higher risk of having a foreign object becoming lodged in their ear since the ears are more “open.”Any dog that spends time outdoors should have their ears checked frequently for things that don’t belong there.Some dogs might suffer from an overproduction of wax or sebum in their ears. It is a cross breed of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Miniature or Toy Poodle. A dog with fever usually has very hot ears and paws. Know the difference between fever and hyperthermia and get in touch with your veterinarian. Don’t use contact lens solution!
Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce the … If it’s wet and cold, he’s fine.