This is the list of notable stars in the constellation Ara, sorted by decreasing brightness. This exceptionally bright cluster lies about 16 000 light-years from Earth in the southern constellation of Ara (The Altar).

With an apparent magnitude of 2.84, it is the brightest star in the Ara constellation.Alpha Arae, the second brightest star in Ara, is a variable Be star, a B-type star with prominent emission lines of hydrogen in its spectrum. The brightest star in the constellation is Beta Arae.

This object is located in the constellation of Ara, the Altar, about 11 000 light-years from Earth.

WrightThe Water Lily Nebula, catalogued as IRAS 16594-4656, is a pre-planetary nebula found in Ara. Main stars of Ara constellation.

It is the youngest planetary nebula known.The central star is a white dwarf that has a companion 0.3 arc seconds away.

The stars of this constellation are given as: Beta Arae: the brightest star. The nearest star, Gliese 674 (spectral class M3V), lies at a distance of 14.80 light years from Earth. Once freed, they swore to overthrow Cronus and the Titans. SnodgrassNGC 6352 is a globular cluster with an apparent magnitude of 7.8. Studying objects like this new nebula around W26 will help astronomers to understand the mass loss processes around these massive stars, which eventually lead to their explosive demise. This picture was created from images taken using the Hubble Space Telescope’s Wide Field Planetary Camera 2.

Zeus, enraged, transformed Lycaon into a wolf and killed his 50 sons with lightning bolts. But our view of this cluster is hampered by gas and dust that prevents most of the visible light from the cluster’s stars from getting to Earth. It is located near the border with the constellation NGC 6362 was discovered by the British astronomer James Dunlop on June 30, 1826.The cluster is estimated to be 13.57 billion years old and composed mostly of evolved red giant stars. The field of view is about 30 arc seconds across. It also contains a number of blue stragglers, stars that appear younger than they really are.

Astrophys., 21, 13-66 (1983) Image: Judy SchmidtOther deep sky objects in Ara include the intermediate spiral galaxy NGC 6328, the barred spiral galaxy NGC 6221, the young open cluster NGC 6250, the spiral galaxies NGC 6215 and NGC 6221, the open clusters IC 4651, NGC 6200, NGC 6204, and NGC 6208, and the globular cluster ESO 280-SC06.This website uses cookies to personalise content and ads, and to analyse user traffic. There are 43 stars that can be seen with the naked eye in the constellation on a very clear night sky. Alpha Arae: its main feature is its spinning. The nebula has an apparent magnitude of 10.75.Even though it is significantly smaller than most other planetary nebulae discovered so far, the Stingray Nebula is 130 times larger than our solar system.This colourful view of the globular star cluster NGC 6362 was captured by the Wide Field Imager attached to the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile in 2012.
Ara is not a member of the Zodiac group of twelve constellations that appear when the Sun sets.

This black hole is emitting high energy X-rays as it is fed by the material that is pulled into it. Its apparent magnitude varies between 2.76 and 2.90.Alpha Arae is approximately 240 light years from Earth.It rotates very quickly (estimated speed at the equator is 470 km/s) and, as a result of this, the star is surrounded by an equatorial disk of ejected material.Gamma Arae is a blue-white B-type supergiant, approximately 1140 light years distant. This image of NGC 6300 was taken by the ESO Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera (EFOSC2) on the 3.58-metre New Technology Telescope (NTT). The closer companion star is only 0.6 arc seconds away and has an apparent magnitude of 8.6.

It contains hundreds of very massive and brilliant stars, all of which are just a few million years old — babies by stellar standards.

It is approximately 50 light years distant and has an apparent magnitude of 5.12.

Gamma Arae has an apparent magnitude of 3.5.Zeta Arae is another orange K-type giant, about 574 light years distant. NGC 6300 is thought to contain a massive black hole at its heart some 300 000 times more massive than the Sun.

It has an apparent magnitude of 3.12.Mu Arae (HD 160691) is a main sequence G-type star that has four known planets in its orbit.
Astron. It has a visual companion 17.9 arc seconds away.