"With his 2005 "Declaration of Democratic Confederalism in Kurdistan", Öcalan advocated for a Kurdish implementation of Bookchin's In early 2004, Öcalan attempted to arrange a meeting with
Between 1984 and his capture in 1999, he led a Kurdish nationalist guerrilla revolt against the Turkish state.Öcalan was arrested abroad by Turkey, convicted of treason, and sentenced to death. Regis Philbin buried in Indiana after Notre Dame funeral Abdullah "Apo" Öcalan (born 1949-04-04) is the founding leader of the Kurdish militant group Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK),which is organisation fighting for a socialist Independent Kurdistan and the rights of the Kurdish People. Read Abdullah Ocalan famous quotes. At the same time, democratic confederalism is the organisation of democracy and culture.“ Help us translate this quote — Abdullah Öcalan. From 1984, under his leadership, the PKK fought for Kurdish liberation. Selon la presse turque, son incarcération coûterait 70 000 euros par jour.Öcalan est également l'initiateur du confédéralisme démocratique, courant politique partagé par plusieurs formations de la gauche kurde. Abdullah Öcalan Quotes 4 Quotes Sorted by Search Results (Descending) About Abdullah Öcalan.

Audio. It itself is the solution. Abdullah Öcalan quotes. Discover interesting quotes and translate them. On at least one occasion, in 1993, he was detained and held by Syria's A state security court consisting of three military judges was convened on the island to try him. Abdullah Öcalan is the founder of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). Video.

La peine est commuée en prison à vie en 2002 lorsque la Turquie abolit la peine de mort dans la perspective de son adhésion à l'Union européenne. Öcalan admitted to the violent nature of the PKK, and that he personally approved and organized attacks and executions. Many of the notes taken from his weekly meetings with his lawyers have been edited and published. Since his imprisonment, Ocalan has written extensively on Middle Eastern and Kurdish history. Improving the prison conditions for jailed PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan will help advance the peace process with Ankara, a pro-Kurdish leader said.PKK threatens end of cease-fire if Turkey doesn't act on agreement Kurdistan's PKK rebels say a cease-fire with Turkey could end soon if the government doesn't begin taking steps agreed to during peace negotiations. Start translating „Democratic confederalism is a non-state social paradigm. At the same time, democratic confederalism is the organisation of democracy and culture.“ Help us translate this quote — Abdullah Öcalan. Jineology, also known as the science of women, is a form of feminism advocated by Öcalan and subsequently a fundamental tenet of the Apoist movement. 0 items Account. Translation of his defense testimony at his 1999 trial http://web.archive.org/20020203190623/www.geocities.com/kurdifi/ocelan.html.Context: Every ideology and mode of belief can, if true, implement itself by using the resources of technology and above all those of the media without having to resort to violence. Birthdate: 4.
Öcalan was charged with treason and separatism and sentenced to death on 29 June 1999.After his capture, Öcalan was held in solitary confinement as the only prisoner on İmralı island in the There have been regular demonstrations held by the Kurdish community to raise awareness of the isolation of Öcalan.After his capture in 1999, Öcalan called for a halt in PKK attacks, and he has advocated a peaceful solution to the Kurdish conflict inside the borders of Turkey.On 31 May 2010, however, Öcalan said he was abandoning the ongoing dialogue with Turkey, as "this process is no longer meaningful or useful". Translation of his defense testimony at his 1999 trial http://web.archive.org/20020203190623/www.geocities.com/kurdifi/ocelan.html.Source: Prison Writings: Roots of Civilisation, excerpt " Democratic Confederalism http://www.freedom-for-ocalan.com/english/".Source: The Political Thought of Abdullah Ocalan (2017), War and Peace in Kurdistan, p.10The Political Thought of Abdullah Ocalan (2017), Liberating Life: Women's RevolutionSource: The Political Thought of Abdullah Ocalan (2017), Democratic Confederalism, p. 46Source: The Political Thought of Abdullah Ocalan (2017), Liberating Life: Women's Revolution, pp.80The Political Thought of Abdullah Ocalan (2017), Democratic Confederalism, Principles of Democratic ConfederalismSource: The Political Thought of Abdullah Ocalan (2017), Liberating Life: Women's Revolution, p. 69As quoted in Turkish Press Review (1 June 1999) http://www.byegm.gov.tr/YAYINLARIMIZ/CHR/ING99/06/99X06X01.HTM#%200.The Political Thought of Abdullah Ocalan (2017), Democratic ConfederalismThe Political Thought of Abdullah Ocalan (2017), Democratic ConfederalismSource: The Political Thought of Abdullah Ocalan (2017), Democratic Confederalism, p. 39Source: The Political Thought of Abdullah Ocalan (2017), Democratic Confederalism, p. 47The Political Thought of Abdullah Ocalan (2017), Liberating Life: Women's RevolutionSource: The Political Thought of Abdullah Ocalan (2017), Liberating Life: Women's Revolution, pp.72 Since his kidnapping and arrest in 1999, he has been in solitary confinement in Imrali Island Prison. Depuis, il est le seul détenu de l'île-prison d’İmralı sur laquelle, selon ses avocats, il subit régulièrement des agressions psychologiques – situation dénoncée notamment par Amnesty International et le Comité européen pour la prévention de la torture et des peines ou traitements inhumains ou dégradants. It is not controlled by a state. The rich variety of institutions and practices the democratic system offers is built on this social and scientific-technological development, and whatever problem it tackles, it offers a certain solution. Rojbûna te pîroz be, rêberê min bakuristan . On April 4, a great man was born, a man who would ultimately guide millions of people in a struggle for the liberation of not just Kurds but all humanity.. Abdullah Ocalan! Abdullah Ocalan News from United Press International. Grid View List View. Öcalan now argues that the period of armed warfare is past and a political solution to the Kurdish question should be developed. In other words, violence has become unnecessary.