Apart from this and other narrated articles, Changing Lanes offers you fresh new episodes every week, packed with exclusive insights on tech, lifestyle, design, cars, and more – brought to you by hosts Sara and Jonathan. 唸法語怎麼唸才對?法國精品名牌,附多個正確法文發音影片》★ 2011/07/18《GUCCI 義大利語正確發音=台語:牛市!古馳名牌義大利文唸法怎麼唸才對?詹姆斯法蘭柯代言FLORA香水等廣告!》★  2011/04/13《CHANEL 香奈兒怎麼唸才對?正確法語發音!法國名牌法文唸法/流行精品名牌講法!時尚女王CoCo 香奈兒+電影女主角奧黛莉朵杜 AUDREY TAUTOU 訪談影片》★ 2011/04/08《愛馬仕 Hermès 法語發音!HERMES正確法文怎麼唸才對請看這裡!=台語:鞋好罵S,法國柏金包名牌控告嬌蕉包!本土母語才是最強最佳國際化武器!》https://www.unolin.com/hermes-france-fashion-brands-french-pronunciation-luxury-birkin-bags/★ 2011/04/01《LV 唸法 LOUIS VUITTON 法語正確發音念法=台語「雷味黨」!路易威登名牌包品牌真正法文唸法,怎麼唸才對?》★ 2011/03/11《海嘯:外語英語發音如何講?外文英文講法?日語日文TSUNAMI漢字津波怎麼唸?全球採用日本用語,美國美語+西班牙語西語+德國德語德文+法國法語法文+義大利語+葡萄牙語+俄羅斯語國際影片證據!》★ 2011/03/09《BMW 德語發音怎麼唸才對?德國名牌 BAYERISCHE MOTOREN WERKE 汽車德文轎車跑車 BMV 正確唸法跟真正發音請看這裡!》★ 2011/03/09《ROGER VIVIER法語發音怎麼唸才對?法國時尚服飾鞋子名牌的法文正確唸法=台語:雨學味味鞋!潮牌精品服裝品牌法國話真正念法,請看這裡!》★ 2011/03/09《PRADA怎麼唸才對?義大利流行服飾皮鞋名牌手錶包包潮流精品牌的義大利語正確★ 2011/03/06《VAN CLEEF & ARPELS 怎麼唸才對?法國珠寶手錶精品名牌法語正確唸法文發音講法請看這裡!VCA 荷蘭人創立國際時尚流行品牌!》 Click “Accept cookies” to activate them or “Reject cookies” if you do not want them. And, as the above would indicate, it is German – Bavaria is a state in the south of Germany – the initials just happen to be the same in English. You can change your settings BMW is a brand name that trips readily off the tongues of people from all over the world – but how do you say it in the original language, German? Learn how to pronounce Bayerische Motoren Werke and use in a sentence. The full name, Bayerische Motoren Werke – or Bavarian Motor Works – is a bit of a mouthful after all ( Read more: The BMW name and its history).

Please see “Cookies” to learn more about how they are used on our website. Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, translated in English as Bavarian Motor Works, commonly referred to as BMW (German pronunciation: [ˈbeːˈʔɛmˈveː] ()), is a German multinational company which produces luxury vehicles and motorcycles.. And, as the above would indicate, it is German – Bavaria is a state in the south of Germany – the initials just happen to be the same in English. Find and subscribe to Changing Lanes on all major podcasting platforms. It originated in 1916 as Bayerische Flugzeug-Werke, a builder of aircraft engines, but assumed the name Bayerische Motoren Werke in … Loading... Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next. Find and subscribe to Changing Lanes on all major podcasting platforms. Hear BMW pronounced in different languages in the videos below. info) (BMW; English: Bavarian Motor Works) is a German automobile, motorcycle and engine manufacturing company founded in 1917. Ever thought about what the German pronunciation sounds like, or how to say BMW “correctly”? Read on to find out how BMW is pronounced “correctly”. BMW德語發音怎麼唸才對?德國名牌:BAYERISCHE MOTOREN WERKE,汽車德文轎車跑車BMV正確唸法跟真正發音,請看這裡!台灣本土母語,才是最強最佳國際化武器! Pronunciation [] IPA (): [ ˈbeːʲɛɱveː] Rhymes: -veː Proper noun [] BMW BMW (Bavarian Motor Works, a manufacturer of motor vehicles) Noun [] BMW (plural BMW-k) BMW (a ) But even acronyms can be pronounced in a wildly different way, depending on what language you speak or even what accent you have. Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW), German automaker noted for quality sports sedans and motorcycles. Headquarters are in Munich. We use cookies to optimise and continuously improve our website for individual users like you. From German BMW (“ Bayerische Motoren-Werke ”). Learn more about BMW models, products and services: You can also listen to this article via Changing Lanes, the official BMW podcast. BMW is headquartered in Munich ★《BMW 德語發音怎麼唸才對?德國名牌 BAYERISCHE MOTOREN WERKE 汽車德文轎車跑車 BMV 正確唸法跟真正發音請看這裡!台灣本土母語才是最強最佳國際化武器!》要找到德國人用德語唸 BAYERISCHE MOTOREN WERKE 的影片似乎有些困難,所以我只好請出以下的網頁發音辭典:★ 2018/03/17《MONT BLANC 萬寶龍 白朗峰唸法怎麼念才對?法國鋼筆香水品牌、歐洲最高峰法文名稱!高級筆名牌+阿爾卑斯山峰勃朗峰正確發音,台語可完美唸出,國語不行! 》★ 2018/02/21《瑪莎拉蒂MASERATI-義大利語念法,義大利文發音怎麼說法才對?汽車品牌正確講法=台語:媽洗喇筷!》★  2015/09/04《藍寶堅尼 義大利語唸法發音怎麼唸? 義大利文超跑 LAMBORGHINI 跑車名牌品牌林寶堅尼正確講法!意大利文=台語:攬某如義奶!柯P柯文哲吳念真大甲媽祖顏清標陳明義背書!》★  2012/04/30《巴黎世家:唸法怎麼唸?BALENCIAGA 時尚服飾名牌西班牙文發音正確講法?西班牙語=台語:肉連射涯!巴斯克語發音說法附影片!》★ 2012/02/12《N字母念法:CNN、NBA、NCC、NHK、N世代、NGO的頭文字N!英語怎麼唸才對? N美語正確唸法=台語發音:煙/演/鉛!不是國語中文”恩”!》★ 2011/11/04《舒馬克:德語唸法怎麼唸才對?舒馬赫 德國F-1賽車神德文發音 MICHAEL SCHUMACHER 全名正確講法在這裡!台語可完美唸出!》★ 2011/10/08《GEORG JENSEN 喬治傑生唸法怎麼唸才對?丹麥銀飾銀器銀製品牌、哥本哈根珠寶手錶精品丹麥語講法!丹麥文正確發音教學!》★  2011/08/21《agnès b.