A relatively new product is now licensed and approved for use in goats older than three months; it is not licensed and approved in all states, however.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.Vaccination protocols should be minimally aimed toward the prevention of diseases in your herd and should be developed in consultation with your local veterinarian. Get a diagnosis for abortions before using a vaccine. Mannheimia Haemolytica Cattle, Sheep and Goat Vaccine. If made correctly, an autogenous vaccine should be more effective than a commercial one. Too often, in the absence of a working facility, important tasks are ill-timed or left undone.The following schedule is divided into three parts. It should not be used if animals do not already have sore mouth because it is a live vaccine that would infect the farm. Therefore, every sheep farm should have, at the very least, a simple set of working pens that facilitate the handling of sheep at critical times of the year. Vaccinations are an integral part of a flock health management program. Alternately, tetanus antitoxin (150 – 250 units) can be given at birth or at castration.Breeding bucks, yearlings and other adults should get annual boosters 30 days prior to the breeding season or when others in the herd are given booster vaccines. Scott P. Greiner, Extension animal scientist, Virginia TechPublication originally written by Steven H. Umberger, Extension Animal ScientistProfitable sheep production requires the application of certain well-timed management practices to ensure the overall well-being of the flock. The vaccine commonly known as “CDT” or “CD&T” is a vaccination for Does should be vaccinated for CDT approximately 30 days prior to giving birth to provide protection to the kids through the first milk, or colostrum. • Developed for sheep. Edwin J. Jones, Director, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, United States; M. Ray McKinnie, Administrator, 1890 Extension Program, Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA, United States. Eight-way vaccines are also on the market, but the three-way CDT is the core vaccine for sheep and goats. New breeding bucks and does with unknown vaccination history should get two initial doses, three to six weeks apart, and then annually. As low as. • Involves 5 check points on the animal: eye, back, tail, jaw, and nose. Prevention for some abortive diseases can be provided through antibiotics such as chlortetracycline, or CTC added to the feed for several weeks prior to birthing. The vaccine does not prevent the disease from occurring. Consult your veterinarian before attempting off-label use of any vaccine or drug. CDT toxoid provides three-way protection against enterotoxemia (overeating disease) caused byClostridium perfringins types C and D and tetanus (lockjaw) caused […] A veterinarian should be consulted for proper doses and timing.Again, a veterinarian, local extension staff and neighboring producers can help determine if the vaccinations for these optional diseases are needed.

Areas of critical importance that must be considered for every flock include internal parasite control, foot-rot control, and predator control.In many cases, the timing of the management practice is as important as the practice itself. The ideal lambing season for a flock will depend on the available facilities, labor and management resources, genetics, pasture and feed resources, and the operation's marketing program. Conception rate, lambing rate, lambing percentage (lambs born/ewe lambing), and lamb survival rate are all important flock performance characteristics affecting the percentage of lamb crop marketed.Certain basic records must be kept to monitor flock performance. Profitability should be kept in mind, and a veterinarian consulted.