This year, the college is welcoming eight new tenured and tenure-track faculty members to our ranks. Course Description. As part of my graduate work, I developed a method to remove ENSO variability from a climate model. Charmaine Pedrozo (MS in Natural Resources, NCSU, 2019). I was very grateful that my mentors chose to give me a project that was cutting-edge and publishable.

To this day, I’m still surprised (and thankful!) David was kind enough to teach me MATLAB and let me use his well-curated toolbox of statistical functions. Year; The Pacific meridional mode as an ENSO precursor and predictor in the North American multimodel ensemble. Photo by T.J. Lievonen. What portion of precipitation variability over the United States can be “blamed” on ENSO? I was certainly still a work in progress in terms of scientific writing skills at the time, but their encouragement and advice helped me get over the hurdle of that first paper. Climate variability and predictability. Even though this pattern is more likely during El Niño, it doesn't pan out every time. Sarah E. Larson School of Public Administration . David Enfield and Sang-Ki Lee. It is well-known that exchanges of heat between the atmosphere and ocean drive much of the variability in sea surface temperature away from the tropics, but how influential are atmospheric winds that directly move ocean waters around? I like to assign the Climate patterns associated with the warm phase of the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO), including a stronger West African monsoon, warmer Atlantic ocean temperatures, and weaker vertical wind shear. Prospective graduate students interested in getting involved with my lab, please email me! Since CGC selects fellows with diverse research backgrounds, I had only met one or two postdocs from my class prior to the summer institute. Orlando, FL 32816 (407) 823-5839 . It was a fantastic experience. We shared stories of our experiences and aspirations for our near-future careers, including difficult decisions we were all facing as to what career path we wanted to pursue. These types of questions have been studied extensively for different phenomena like ENSO but less is known about their global impacts.Larson and colleagues at the Fourth International Conference on El Niño Southern Oscillation, held in Ecuador in 2018, where she spoke about the potential for using the I teach a Climate Prediction and Predictability course for incoming graduate and upper level undergraduate students.
As a result, I can now determine what variations in climate are driven by ENSO and what variations are unrelated to ENSO. Articles Cited by. My Hollings mentors gave me a list of programs they were aware of that might fit my interests and on that list was the University of Miami (conveniently located just across the street). I contacted Ben Kirtman, a professor at the University of Miami, to ask about his group, research, and the graduate program. What portion of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation is driven by ENSO? We were then invited to attend the most recent one in 2019 as former postdocs. When the lead-time is extended to beyond 8-9 months or so, issues arise. Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences. Awards academic credit for learning that occurs during internships.
The 2015-16 El Niño event was intensifying at a time when Southern California was experiencing a devastating multi-year drought and the hope was that El Niño would save the day and pull California out of the drought.Typical jet stream and U.S. climate impacts during El Niño winters. Meet these innovative scientists, and find out why they’re excited to join the Wolfpack.Your email address will not be published. This work always reminded me of a puzzle, because oftentimes you need to try multiple possible solutions or a combination of many approaches to successfully change the model. It definitely solidified my choice to pursue climate science in graduate school. are typically accurate but predictions of ENSO amplitude (e.g., will we have a weak or strong El Nino?) When I was a NOAA postdoc, I had full control over the content and trajectory of my research. Sort. All fields are required.Meet the New 2018-19 Sciences Tenured/Tenure-Track FacultyI am trying to understand what rules govern pattern formation and cellular behavior in biology and how they arise from physical principles. University of Central Florida . Furthermore, these probabilities do not give any information about whether the El Niño event will be strong like 2015-16 or weak, if El Niño occurs at all.

This article continues’s series of interviews with current and former fellows in the Over the past 30 years, the Postdoctoral Program, funded by Sarah Larson, a NOAA Climate and Global Change Fellow from 2016–2018.