In her big, she was an element of Mithraic iconography, typically in the context of the tauroctony. Furthermore, she was also part of another trinity. As the goddess of agriculture, a lot of agricultural blessings were associated with her, such as the discovery of spelled wheat or the benefit of oxen as plow fields. No one knew where they would ‘drop’ when Fortuna spun the wheel. Ceres was depicted as a human woman donning robes. There was a great temple built in their honor at the Capitoline, which also happens to be one of the seven hills of Rome symbolizing eternity. Her importance is represented from her many titles, such as Venus Genetrix (represented her role as a mother), Venus Cloacina (the Purifier), Venus Verticordia (the Changes of Hearts), Venus Felix (the Lucky), Venus Victrix (goddess of victory) and Venus Murcia (Myrtle). The ancient Romans adopted many of Aphrodite’s symbols, such as myrtle and roses to represent Venus. She was often depicted carrying a cornucopia known as Horn of Plenty in which unlimited amounts of riches would pour out of it. Juno was one of the three original Roman deities, along with Jupiter and Minerva.

Only she was called Meneswa, meaning ‘she who measures’. She was always depicted holding a sheath of grain and sometimes her breasts were bared as a symbol of motherhood. 23 July Neptunalia festival with Neptune. Pluto finally conceded to return her daughter. Both Neptune and Apollo proposed to her but she refused them both. They also believed the extinction of the fire could cause terrible luck and misfortune to the empire. However, she was most known for presiding over the aspects of women’s lives, which is similar to her Greek goddess counterpart, Hera. We are the lighthouse for ships in the sea of options, the landmark in the ocean of possibilities and the wave at the horizon of opportunities.We focus on providing help and guidance in investments into very special and rare opportunities. Her only daughter was Proserpine. Nevertheless, her identity is seen as ambiguous due to her contradictory association with the phallus. She was even portrayed wearing an ancient Greek garment called chiton and a helmet. however, it was destroyed during Emperor Nero’s reign. This is a list of Roman Gods and Goddesses that are in Roman mythology.. Apollo- The god of light, music, and healing; Aurora- The goddess of dawn; Bacchus- The god of agriculture and wine; Bellona- The goddess of war; Caelus- The primal god of the sky and theology, iconography, and literature; Ceres- The goddess of agriculture, grain, and the love a mother bears for her child

Other stories believe that she was born out of Jupiter’s head after he swallowed Metis, fearing that the prophecy would be true in which Metis’ child would one day overthrow him. The Roman goddess of blossoming and flowering plants was Flora, particularly of wheat among other crops. Her most important role among many was being the goddess of childbirth and marriage. The Romans regarded her highly and placed such importance on her. Juno was depicted more warrior-like in nature and wearing a goatskin coat while carrying a shield and a spear. Her temples were situated on Aventine Hill and were built on the 6th B.C.E. Last on the list of Roman goddesses is Fortuna. In some depictions, she was even pictured giving off a grave and majestic appearance with a matronly air, as befitting her regal station. She is the equivalent of the Greek Aphrodite. For instance, her illicit affair with Mars produced Metus and Timor, the personification of terror and fear respectively, Concordia, and Cupids. Despite being the representation of luck, Fortuna could be represented blind and veiled.

Salacia was the female divinity of the sea, worshipped as the goddess of salt water who presided over the depths of the ocean. Salacia was depicted as a beautiful nymph with a seaweed crown and enthroned beside Neptune or driving in a pearl shell chariot drawn by dolphins or seahorses with him.