By the summer of 1794, many in the Revolutionary government began to question his motives, as the country was no longer threatened by outside enemies. When he received word that the National Convention had declared him an outlaw, he tried to commit suicide but succeeded only in wounding his jaw.

He was able to escape with the aid of a sympathetic jailer and hid in the Hôtel de Ville (City Hall) in Paris. In the next 11 months, 300,000 suspected enemies of the Revolution were arrested and more than 17,000 were executed, most by guillotine.

Questions and answers about Maximilien Robespierre.Maximilien Robespierre, oil on canvas by Pierre-Roch Vigneron, 1786; in the Museum of French History, Palace of Versailles. Robespierre was taken to the Luxembourg prison in Paris, but the warden refused to jail him, and he fled to the Hotel de Ville.

He is a priest with his flock… Robespierre preaches, Robespierre censures, he is furious, serious, melancholic and exalted with passion. Also an existentialist philosopher, she had a long-term relationship with Jean-Paul Sartre.French engineer and physicist Charles de Coulomb made pioneering discoveries in electricity and magnetism, and came up with the theory called Coulomb's Law.Charles de Gaulle rose from French soldier in World War I to exiled leader and, eventually, president of the Fifth Republic.

Maximilien Marie Isidore de Robespierre was born in Arras on 6 May 1758, the son of a lawyer. A year later, he participated in writing the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, the foundation of the French constitution.

Grounded in ancient history and the works of the French philosophers of the His passionate fight for liberty won him more enemies, who called him a dangerous individual—and worse. Seemingly intoxicated with the power over life and death, Robespierre called for more purges and executions.

He was educated in Paris and entered the same profession as his father.

He became a devotee of social philosopher At age 30, Robespierre was elected to the Estates General of the French legislature.

Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.Maximilien Robespierre was a radical democrat and key figure in the Maximilien Robespierre began his political career in 1789, when he was elected to represent the Maximilien Robespierre lost his head—literally. Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. Robespierre was shot in the jaw during his arrest. On July 27, 1794, Robespierre and a number of his followers were arrested at the Hôtel de Ville in He was admitted to the Arras Academy in 1783 and soon became its chancellor and later its president.

He was against the Catholic Church and had a new religion called the Cult of the Supreme Being established as the official religion of France. Contrary to the long-held belief that Robespierre led an isolated life, he often visited local notables and mingled with the young people of the district. He also opposed the death penalty and slavery. Login

He lives on little and has no physical needs. He thunders against the rich and the great. Author of

In April he had presided over the Robespierre nevertheless decided to devote himself fully to his work in the National Assembly, where the constitution was being drawn up.

Maximilien Marie Isidore de Robespierre was born in Arras, France, on May 6, 1758, the oldest of four children.


The next day, he and 21 of his allies were executed at the guillotine.After the coup, the Committee of Public Safety lost its credibility and the French Revolution became distinctly less radical.

The children were raised by their maternal grandparents.

One of the leaders of the French Revolution.

Former Secretary, Commission for the Economic and Social History of the French Revolution.

Quotes Maximilien Robespierre (1758 – 1794).