I sent my representative to the meeting. _undertoad 2259299 The company has sent several representatives to discuss the matter. Delivered to your inbox!

31. The decision of the representative of the United States was given in April 1899. 35.

Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adverbs: " The students' outstanding test scores are highly representative of the school. Each group representative stood in front of the class and gave a report on the entire project. a delegate or agent that is chosen or appointed to act or speak for another or others. 2. 326. (be: is/am/are, seems) Used with prepositions: " This is representative of our music style.

The African elephant is a very different animal from its Asiatic cousin, both as regards structure and habits; and were it not for the existence of intermediate extinct species, might well be regarded as the Rivadavia resigned, and Vicente Lopez, a Federalist, was elected to succeed him, but was speedily displaced by Manuel Dorrego (1827), another In episcopacy the supreme authority is a diocesan bishop; in congregationalism it is the members of the congregation assembled in church meeting; in Presbyterianism it is a church council composed of For herself she did not care where she remained or what happened to her, but she felt herself the GIRAFFE, a corruption of Zarafah, the Arabic name for the tallest of all mammals, and the typical After Napier's death his manuscripts and notes came into the possession of his second son by his second marriage, Robert, who edited the Constructio; and Colonel Milliken Napier, Robert's lineal male (2) This private connexion developed into a custom according to which a state appointed one of the citizens of a foreign state as its Central Government.The principles upon which the French constitution is based are When he heard these words and saw the expression of firm resolution in the Emperor's eyes, Michaud--quoique etranger, russe de coeur et d'ame-- at that solemn moment felt himself enraptured by all that he had heard (as he used afterwards to say), and gave expression to his own feelings and those of the Russian people whose Christoph Wittich (1625-1687), professor at Duisburg and Leiden, is a The jobars superintend the execution of the laws, collect fines and administer capital punishment; they are in contact with the buluk-bashi, or resident The synod is a provincial council which consists of the ministers and But it shall not be so among you.

As a representative of the house of representatives, the delegate is responsible for making and passing laws for U.S. citizens.

167+17 sentence examples: 1. Representative definition is - serving to represent.

Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. 333. representative. 4.

The paintings are It has been restored, from Goethe's account of it in Dichtung and Wahrheit, as nearly as possible to its condition in the poet's day, and is now connected with a Goethemuseum (1897), with archives and a library of 25,000 volumes About this time a body of Schoffen (scabini, jurats), fourteen in number, was formed to assist in the control of municipal affairs, and with their appointment the first step was taken towards civic Fukuzawa Yukichi, founder of the KeiO Gijuku, now one of Japans four universities, did more than any of his contemporaries by writing and speaking to spread a knowledge of the West, its ways and its thoughts, and Nakamura Keiu labored in the same cause by translating Smiless Self-help and Mills Shirozaemon was succeeded at the kiln by three generations of his family, each No faience produced either in China or any other Oriental country can dispute the palm with really In subsequent eras the potters of King-te-chen did not fail to continue this remarkable manufacture, but its only Japanese The government of Baden is an hereditary monarchy, with the executive power vested in the grand-duke, while the legislative authority is shared by him with a Another distinctive feature is that Jehovah did not go back to heaven without leaving behind him a visible Der deutsche Merkur (1773-1789, revived 1790-1810) of Wieland was the solitary Japan now possesses native periodicals of the European type, of which the following are It was at a convention held at Jackson on the 6th of July 1854 that the Republican party was first organized and so named by a The county and the city were named in honour of Edward Dickinson Baker (1811-1861), a political leader, orator and soldier, who was born in London, England, was taken to the United States in 1815, was a During the forty-five years after the death of Omar (he died in 1822) the khanate of Khokand was the seat of continuous wars between the settled Sarts and the nomad Kipchaks, the two parties securing the upper hand in turns, Khokand falling under the dominion or the suzerainty of Bokhara, which supported Khudayar-khan, the It is not often remembered that William possessed an experience of the workings of It is generally known as the Ciceronian age from the name of its greatest literary The Roman oratory of the law courts had to deal not with petty questions of disputed property, of fraud, or violence, but with great imperial questions, with matters affecting the well-being of large provinces and the honour and safety of the republic; and no man ever lived who, in these respects, was better fitted than Cicero to be the The higher poetical imagination had appeared only in Ennius, and had been called forth in him by sympathy with the grandeur of the national life and the great personal qualities of its This slight work of a Macedonian freedman, destitute of national significance and But it was under Nerva and Trajan that the greatest and most truly 2 1918), their delegates at the peace negotiations of Brest Litovsk, in March 1918, on the contrary upheld against Trotsky the authority of the Lithuanian Council of State despite the fact that they had previously refused to regard it as the" legal Herein lies the importance of the priesthood: the priest is not, as in other religions, the mediator between god and man, but on the one hand for the purpose of state-worship the chosen In 493 B.C., at a time of serious famine, they ordered the building of a temple to the Greek triad Demeter, Dionysus and Persephone, who were identified with the old Roman divinities Ceres, Liber and Libera: Apollo must have come with or before the books themselves, though his temple was not built till 433 B.C.

Representatives sentence examples.

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