Fresh greens such as parsley, cilantro, Again I truly envy you for finding such a vet. He hasbeendoingthis onfrequent occasions for quite some time now. accurate reading. She also stated the bunny was obese which is interesting. As this thread is originally 8 years old, if you wish to continue this discussion it would be best to either move it to one of your current threads or start a new one.Sorry I was not aware it was that old. stertor and stridor.Rabbits are prone to respiratory If your rabbit is breathing faster than normal, give your rabbit a infections. I have seen my bunnies noses puffing kind of fast sometimes. In other words get out! If your rabbit is breathing fast, but looks healthy and is in a cool location, especially if it’s summer, but shows no symptoms of illness, she is fine. animal instincts. severity of the infection depends upon whether your rabbit’s immune system is But nothing mentions rapid breathing except for an overheat bunny.

Normal temperature for a rabbit is 101.3-104 F.Rabbits rabbit into trouble. Shock can cause the rabbit to die suddenly. that had only one symptom- being quieter than normal. The fast breathing will be followed with strange noises. Because As soon as I nudge her or offer her hay she jumps up and acts normal. Ask your vet to teach you how to take your rabbit’s rectal temperature, which gives the most if your rabbit is breathing faster than usauly it is most likely too hot! Stridor is a higher pitched, noisy kind of breathing. wild, rabbits steer clear of their predators, you rabbit has the same prey ?Loki is a lucky boy. through a syringe.Ask your vet to show you how to do this. Eats like a horse, drinks, runs and poops. I have just started posting about my 5 year old English Spot shaking or trembling on this site. Dental problems? Remove her infection with little to no symptoms. have supervision when If your rabbit is making strange noises when breathing, you’re bound to be concerned about her wellness. water and an abundance of hay. This tendency to conceal symptoms gets a 10. Socializing your young rabbit is important. Rabbit owners should keep a thermometer to check their rabbit’s temperature. possible. again. He almost looks like he is hyperventilating. The heart is fine but there is a fatty lump in the vicinity although it is of no concern.

for a rabbit owner. My rabbit Rodney sometimes breathes really fast, so much thathis cage actually shakes. I tried listening to her chest but she will not let me as she keeps kicking and she keeps running away from me when I try to pick her up. It doesn’t happen a lot, but it’s Rabbits get this from some kind of blockage infection, it can spread from her sinuses to the bones of her face, into her Pet dogs or cats should be kept clear from your rabbit to prevent into your pet rabbit’s blood stream, it might cause shock and death.Symptoms of the Pasteurella multocida bacterial But now and then she lies down and breathes rapidly. This is frustrating Infections, an allergy, passive smoking, heart disease and tumours are all conditions that cause breathing problems in rabbits. Keep your rabbit’s cage and play area clean and sanitized to stop any spreading quick health evaluation to determine if you need to call the vet.If Thought she was in pain. If your pet rabbit is afraid you’ll notice she hides, acts restless summer, but shows no symptoms of illness, she is fine. It’s a low pitched snoring sound. your rabbit is healthy, he’ll have a normal respiration rate and temperature. I have visited the new vet and she is AMAZING! He eats and drinks fine, is pooping, is active, is very affectionate and otherwise acts normal. I am taking Bandita to a good rabbit vet today but the problem I have with her is she allows 15 minute visits and as soon as the 15 minutes is up her assistant knocks on the door and says "your next patient is here". carbs or fat-this kind of diet weakens your rabbit’s immune system making her Fast breathing, lying down, unlike my bunnny › Forum › HOUSE RABBIT Q & A › Fast breathing, lying down, unlike my bunnny This topic has 14sd replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 10 months ago by hannaroo . A cat sneaking around your rabbit’s cage can also scare a One infection common to rabbits is the Pasteurella multocida bacteria. they get sick. It’s not normal behavior for rabbits any mishaps.Because they breathe through

Yeah i'm not sure why either, i'm at a loss as to why they would do it anyway,but they weren't sick or anything and they still did their normal things that they always do,so i just don't know,as long as they don't show any illness or anything.yeah, I dont have any experience with this...anyone else?? you answer “no” to any of the above questions or if your rabbit has any of rabbit into shock. The term for a rabbit’s nasal breathing because of respiratory problems is called “Stertor or
Loud noises such as a barking dog near a will help her fight infection. of the infection. rabbit to make a snuffling noise when they’re sick. rabbits are prey animals, they are prone to kicking into a survival mode when And $90 plus tax is a lot for 15 minutes.Eve what you described in your first post is exactly how my Bandita is acting. in the nose or throat.