Hacking the Progressive Snapshot OBDII device for perpetual 30% discount on insurance -- Continued I found the below link on reddit and would like to continue the post since it was archived. This could rope in new drivers, who after becoming used to the presence of the device will go back to their wild ways.This would obviously lead to higher rates in the future once the road rage resurfaced.Still, it looks as if Progressive is a trailblazer and is reshaping how car insurance will be determined going forward.This just in – Progressive has released an “app” version of Snapshot for iPhones, which is free of charge.Now, instead of having to commit to installing the Snapshot device in your vehicle, you can preview how Progressive views your driving habits, and also see how you stack up against others, such as friends and family.The Snapshot app tracks and maps your driving then spits out a driving score based on hard braking, rapid acceleration, and the amount of driving you do.You can earn badges, score points, dissect your driving data, and share your results with family and friends.Even if you aren’t interested in the Snapshot device, this app could make you a safer driver.Compare quotes today to make sure you are getting the best car insurance rates. Vehicle telematics In 2015, I was involved in a collision with an SUV, which was the other driver’s fault. Following my six-month period, I earned a 12 percent discount, or about $96. Is having a device in your car that tracks your driving habits by the second going to end up causing you more trouble than it’s worth?If you live in Kansas or Rhode Island, your policy rate may increase by as much as nine percent as a result of your “snapshot,” so driver beware.But note that you can cancel the program at any time and Progressive will stop using any driving information you shared with them previously.Currently, Progressive offers the program in every state except for California and North Carolina. That was how much my privacy was worth. Especially since all the National Security Agency (NSA) controversies involving What would I like to see from Progressive in the future? Apologies if I'm breaking reddiquette.How does one figure out which wires are for which pin The following is my basic understanding. The app simply tracks your driving habits through your phone as you drive. My Perspective on Business, Social Media & CommunityAlthough Progressive never contacted me, it was evident they reacted by providing more education for prospective Snapshot users. It has a memory chip, cellular radio and a GPS radio that communicates with satellites for location tracking. The negative stimulus is the annoying beep. If your vehicle does not have a diagnostic port, you’re out of luck. The results and the impact of the Snapshot might surprise you. Of course, this is against the Progressive Snapshot rules.rogressive Snapshot grades drivers on some basic driving characteristics. A B+ rating with Progressive Snapshot means you only get a 1-15% discount, a C will get you no discount at all. This is supposed to erase your bad drive. I’d like to share more thoughts on these vehicle telematics devices and respond to a few themes in the comments people posted. Typically, the first snapshot is taken after 30 days of driving, then finalized when your policy renews after six months. (3) Cross wires till I find which wires are hot (a voltometer or multimeter may be a better idea). HAS A CHIP CALLED Telit modules is a high-sensivity SiRFstarIII 20-Channel Singlechip GPS receiver of the latest generation developed by the GPS expert SiRF Technology. So, I took it upon myself to export the data from my account (not easy) and do a little analysis in Excel. All data is measured from the six months between January and June.It’s evident that the first 30 days of using Snapshot are difficult. Avoid texting, making phone calls and using your cell phone for any other reason. After a few months, I no longer consciously determine if my Snapshot device will ding me for slowing down because now I slow down earlier than normal. When your tires are spinning, they spin at a higher rate of speed than the vehicle and once they catch traction, they rapidly slow down. •  https://res.cloudinary.com/quotellc/image/upload/insurance-site-images/truthaboutins-live/2020/03/shuman-roy.jpghttps://res.cloudinary.com/quotellc/image/upload/insurance-site-images/truthaboutins-live/2020/03/joel-ohman.jpgrogressive Snapshot Reddit users say the app hack works if you unplug it from your car, turn off the car, then plug it back in.