Here’s a conversation I had with my therapist:“And they were feeding you through a tube? I stop being able to function as well as I normally do. No, I got free and promptly went into deep, deep denial. It took a lot for them to admit that they’re “weak” enough to even contemplate suicide — or to contemplate the possibility that they So we don’t need to hear that we’re strong and resourceful and capable. I think the hardest thing about depression is that you think it’s all in your head.

Most of us can’t logic our way to illuminating the many, many shadows the condition casts. But I think the point is that you don’t need to encourage so much as you need to support. And the fact that you want to understand means a lot too, trust me.“So we don’t need to hear that we’re strong and resourceful and capable.”I hear ya! Their protestations have crystalized several convictions for me.The wrong way to start a profitable conversation on race is to proclaim that everyone who is white is an inbred, systematic racist — even if they don’t know it. I agree with the other commenters, thank you for sharing.Well put, Matt. They tell us that we’re weak. Besides, our brains have us convinced that if we just tried harder — if we were good enough people to just try harder — we could be okay like everyone else.

)I could definitely see trauma doing that. A chore you can cheer me on about. I know my brain doesn’t work exactly the same way yours does in this instance, so I’m finding my solutions also won’t be the same thing you may need.I don’t see where you gave us what would be helpful instead of this option.In your opinion , what is helpful? Meanwhile, saying someone experiencing depression is “strong” usually implies “strong enough to see the world as it really is” (rather than the fun-house-mirror version depression creates) and “capable” means “able to function through the pain and misery.” Or that’s what I hear, anyway.

A burden. In fact, they can hurt — all because of how depressed brains process things.Depressives’ brains already have disdaining, mocking dialogues going on at least intermittently. Low near 75F. You couldn’t eat on your own?”“And you were on a ventilator because you couldn’t breathe?”So no, I was not strong.

To be clear and as regular readers know, I’m usually a high-functioning depressive.

Paid links may also be included. I’ll see if I can add something. I think trauma changes the way you process information and in my case it made me risk averse(which some people can view as negativity instead of incredibly cautious and setting the bar low so as not to be disappointed.

(My head was the only part of me I could move at that point or I’m sure I’d have thrashed more.) You may know what I’m capable of in a normal setting, but only long-time readers know what I’m capable of (or more correctly, not capable of) with acutely heightened depression. And that’s the thing — the problem — I think. Sometimes they’re unending. If the person says they don’t know whether they can handle much more of X, Y, Z, then acknowledge what a hard time they’re having (rather than gloss over it, perhaps unintentionally making their struggle seem trivial) and then let them know you’re there for them: “I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time right now. Traduzioni in contesto per "please stop" in inglese-italiano da Reverso Context: please stop talking, please stop saying, please just stop Because I’m quite sure it’s not nearly as true as most people think.The reality was that a) I didn’t have a choice and b) it’s not like I weathered it steadfastly. (I did do an update to this effect because a reader pointed out I hadn’t put what WOULD help, which was an excellent point.) Most of us can’t logic our way to illuminating the many, many shadows the condition casts.

Don’t like the results of an election, burn down a car dealership.Or I am constantly warned about those crazy conservatives over at FOX News but then left to believe that the daily blather over at CNN and MSNBC is an exercise in truth and enlightenment.The folks who are in the news dissemination business like to remind me that they are the guardians of democracy, except I guess on those days when they suppress and distort the information and craft the narrative to serve their own political purposes (see The New York Times, et al. No, I cracked.