Send Message . To prove that it was me and not you, I acknowledge my sin to that it was my failing and not your permission. And in that sin, the King becomes a child again and that sin the King forgets his title and lays low before God and then the 50 first Psalm this King wrote a song asking God to have mercy on me.
There's no small Little Dominion boy. The attitudes that caused us to displease God and with that we must purge ourselves. This was a hard message for me, but what I'm preaching to you.

37 हज़ार पसंद. In godliness and then fall back into sinfulness, go so far in Christ so far in God that he became King of Israel and as King with the authority of a King, he did the deed of the wicked. I'm represent peace that passes all understanding. I really love. Welcome! Don't take your spirit away from me. Like you. There's a secret happening in your heart. Facebook. It is our mandate and privilege to share the good news of Jesus Christ locally and globally. We put this philosophy into practice daily through our 25 ministries that serve in a multitude of capacities year round.We encourage you to dive deeper. It causes us to become more comfortable every time you commit a secret sin you become more comfortable in it. Your name is. I'm I think I'm getting a little too excited about the the about the possibility of having this church with members again, but the thing is whether we are in this temple in this building or whether you're watching by streaming video, we are still going to bless his name. One voice the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ to a lost world. Disney Re. But the eyes of the lord are in place beholding the evil and the good hear what I'm telling you because I'm preaching this by function of the Lord and I'm preaching this through my own experiences. Yeah, 20 fourth that we got the Wednesday. there's no condemnation. His authority literally raped her being of his position she gave in and the sin that was iniquity became a transgression. We're gonna celebrate as a body of believers and if there are any anybody listening watching that it's not a believe. Let me be hurt rather than to hurt. He's not even 13 yet in his first into battle this holy young boy this team. Not a, he said, I gave you the power lay hands on the sick. or. you deserve.

Prepare to be distributed to the clients. Cannot interrupt that cannot interfere with our purpose nor can Corona virus. Press alt + / to open this menu. God goes forth. be transparent.

And now I find myself preaching to myself and the very proud that I ask you to repeat as I prayed it was my prayer to God. No matter what it is no matter what it is, whether it's deed or the Inwood Heart.
We have to purge ourselves of filthiness of the flesh and spirit of, according to second Corinthians seven and one we've got a purchase of the fils a spirit. We just want to take you behind the scenes of things a lot of work, a lot of coordination and all the planning you can make happen. I represent love unda. The transgression is the outward outward a sin, but he was bruised for our iniquities. Do you believe this? Come join us. so this message is not exempt anybody here. Oh God so father God we come before you and we say thank you. he died for it, but the lie you tell the Bible, the Bible said in the book of Proverbs and a lying lipp. Even in our right stas, we can be wrong in our delivery and one little soft thank you broke me to my heart so as preach even as I teach I I in turn become the student as well. This church does a whole lot. And right now, we're going to worship God in our giving right now, we're going to worship God in our giving somebody give God praise for him. I was talking to somebody in here and the Lord said, curb your tongue and I and I sat and treated them and they looked at me and said, as I finished this and thank you for that. the inwood flow of the blood. Amen Not px. Oh, yes, I got one more but he's watching the sheep, He's said. I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth. So we say thank you and we pray all these things in your precious name, not because we're worthy.

God doesn't leave us, but there's a breach in the relationship and it causes us to to slide back further. Zero with no dollar sign $50.05 zero point zero with no down payment Whatever denomination that God gives you to do so right now, but the tide the PFC time that could be a space in between it and then put the amount of your time. I'm going to go in two more weeks on the 20 eighth, We're going to incrementally open up the doors of the church. Abuses his authority and lays with a common. I honor you and we bring this to you very soon very soon we will be opening up the doors and increments and letting the congregation come back in and two more weeks we will be back in our. I want everybody to turn in your Bibles to the book of Psalms, Psalm 19 chapter of the nineteenth Psalm starting from the first verse. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that as you go Relationship with him that your spirit would grow that your understanding be enlightened and that your strength would multiply in the name of Jesus along to see you and until then walk in the favor of God bless you have a great Sunday. but in this last day we've got to get it right. Man what man understands and can acknowledge and point out his own moral failings and his own errors, Cleanse me from my secret faults. It's one of the real Ministry in church as we have a real heart and government. Father God we lift up our lead. Are you hearing me just because I preach it doesn't mean I'm exempt from it. became greater and greater and the more that it wasn't seen by man the more you continue to do it.

So God we come before you and we say thank you. The law of the Lord is perfect. Listen to a sermon or three. Experience the love and joy that is the Perfecting Faith Experience. Ready Boy. Watch me. There's some things that go wrong that you gotta confess even though it would be better.