Stamen 2.6-3.2cm long, 0.2-0.3cm wide, light yellow: anther 1.4-1.6cm long, pink filament nearly as long as anther. It was named for the zebra-like striping of red pigmentation on the upper sides of young leaves.It was classified as a botanical variety of Musa acuminata by Rusdy E. Nasution in 1991.

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Blood Banana | Musa Sumatrana Musa Acuminata Zebrina #fazzanursery. Effective when grown as a garden centerpiece or for tropical flair near water bodies.The Garden wouldn't be the Garden without our Members, Donors and Volunteers.

Its attractive enormous oval leaves remain bluish-green in color with showy burgundy variegation throughout the season.

Free tepal ovate. Many of the modern edible dessert bananas are from this species, although some are hybrids with Musa balbisiana. Plants tolerate and often appreciate some part shade or light filtered sun in the heat of the day. In St. Louis, plants may be grown directly in the ground (if dug in fall), in containers or as houseplants (dwarf varieties especially).

Outdoor plants must be overwintered indoors, either as houseplants or by forcing plants into dormancy. Prior to his passing in 2015, Markku Hakkinen had planned to create a Indonesia: Java, on open places, 250-900m above sea level. sumatrana—bear foliar similarities in the characteristic coloring of at least young plants… For containers, use a well-drained potting soil mix. This banana is well adapted to container growing and can be kept at 3-5 feet tall. The blood banana (Musa acuminata var. Basal hands each bear fewer fruits (7-9) than those on the apex (14-16).Fruits small. Staminode 1.1-1.2cm long, 1.3-1.4cm wide, light yellow at base but bright yellow at tips.

In 1991, it was classified as a botanical variety of In non-technical literature, this taxon is referred to as being synonymous with var. First cultivated by humans around 10 kya (8000 BCE), it is one of the early examples of … Musa acuminata is a species of banana native to Southeast Asia. Bloom Time: Seasonal bloomer 1.5-1.6cm long, 1.1-1.2cm wide, tip tridentate, translucent.Male flowers small, 16-18 per hand; ovary 0.8-0.9cm long, 0.3-0.4cm across, yellow inside, purple outside; style 2.4-2.8cm long, white at base but yellow at tip; stigma capitate. Spread: 5.00 to 6.00 feet

The selected accession, named 'Maia Oa' belongs to the subspecies of Musa acuminata spp. Il plátano (Musa acuminata Colla, 1820) è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Musaceae la cui forma naturale è originaria del sud-est asiatico. zebrina) is a dwarf cultivar that is commonly cultivated for both commercial fruit production and ornamental applications. The plant was first described in 1854 as Musa zebrina from Java, Indonesia. nakaii and var. Common Name: blood banana  'Zebrina' has green and red mottling on the top of its leaves and solid maroon coloring on the bottom. Keep container soils consistently moist but not wet. Esistono più di mille cultivar ottenute dalla ibridazione con M. balbisiana, che producono la maggior parte delle banane commestibili in commercio. Loading... Unsubscribe from FAZZA HOYA INDONESIA? The Complete Book of Bananas. Height: 5.00 to 6.00 feet Options for overwintering include: (1) Bring container indoors in fall before first frost and place in a large sunny room for overwintering as a houseplant, with reduced water and fertilization; (2) If plant is too large to bring inside as a houseplant, cut foliage back to 6-8” in fall after first frost, and store container in a cool, dark, frost-free corner of the basement until spring. Site plants in areas protected from strong winds which can severely damage the large leaves. Pianta dalle piccole dimensioni con foglie larghe, produce grandi mazzi di frutti, si tratta di una varietà molto popolare ed ampiamente diffusa. acuminata var. 2009. La pianta di Banana Musa Acuminata Dwarf Cavendish è originaria del Vietnam e della Cina.

The genome sequencing of this species is the result of the collaboration between Bioversity International and CIRAD. 2011. zebrina native to south-east Asia.