In the latest Sign up for the Newsletter to get updates on top stories and viral hits.Subscription Commerce Conversion Index – July 2020 This includes things like dealing with regulators and overseeing a large corporate structure, two things a scale-up challenger bank like Monzo, with more than 4 million customers and over 1,500 staff, requires.The thinking behind Blomfield’s move to president is a startup cliché but also likely holds water; he’ll be able to spend more time doing the things he enjoys most (and is arguably best at), such as focusing on the longer-term vision, product and how Monzo can stay close to and best serve customers.
“And I went through all the stuff that drains me, and it’s all the stuff I’ve done in the last two years, honestly. Monzo has seen customer card spend reduce at home and abroad, while new account signups have also slowed during the pandemic. Things I think TS is awesome at.”Although it is unlikely that a huge amount will change immediately, Blomfield says he hopes that he’ll be able to spend a “bunch more time doing the stuff I really, really love, which is community, talking to customers, helping develop the product proposition, long-term vision, and talking to journalists, like you Steve, obviously, and try to unwind my involvement a little bit in more formal regulated banking activities.”Meanwhile, it has been somewhat of a turbulent time for Monzo in recent months, as it, along with many other fintech companies, has attempted to insulate itself from the coronavirus crisis and resulting economic downturn.Last month, I reported that Monzo was shuttering its customer support office in Las Vegas, Like other banks and fintechs, the coronavirus crisis has resulted in Monzo seeing customer card spend reduce at home and (of course) abroad, meaning it is generating significantly less revenue from interchange fees. The company has closed one office overseas, although it said it would continue to invest in governance and fighting financial crime.