Igor’s parents begged police to stop, but cops ignored their pleas and brought Igor to jail without his epilepsy medication. “As in the case of the family of Michelle Cusseaux, the Rumain Brisbon 1.5 million dollar settlement is another example of the City of Phoenix paying significant sums …

In August 2017, Phoenix police Sergeant Sean Coutts changed his Facebook profile picture to a screenshot of a news story about an anti-Trump protester who police had shot in the genitals with a rubber bullet.Six years earlier, the family of Tony Arambula settled a lawsuit against Coutts and the city of Phoenix for Arambula had called the police for help after an intruder broke into youngest son’s bedroom. Interestingly, she was shot to death days after Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, Missouri, and as such, her story has remained a local rallying cry for police reform, racial justice, and an overhaul in police training. Stephon Clark. Ahmaud Arbery. Get the day's top news — ranging from local to international — straight to your inbox each weekday morning.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google KPBS Midday Edition is a daily radio news magazine keeping San Diego in the know on everything from politics to the arts.

The database was created by the As Phoenix police chief Jeri Williams continues to grapple with the fallout from officers’ posts, many of which called for violence against protesters, referred to black people as “thugs,” and Muslims as rapists, a Four Phoenix cops in the database were named in lawsuits or news stories for causing the deaths of three different people who died while being detained.

This is not bad apples. "The family is on pins and needles with respect to the findings of the disciplinary board. Here's some of what we learned:KPBS' daily news podcast covering local politics, education, health, environment, the border and more. Enter your email or sign up with a social account to get startedPhoenix's independent source of local news and cultureThe Phoenix Police Department's Use of Force Board has ruled that the officer who fatally shot Michelle Cusseaux outside of her apartment last summer, Sergeant Percy Dupra, was in violation of department policy.The finding of the board of three citizens and three officers runs contrary to prior investigations into the incident and today was celebrated as a civil rights victory by those protesting the mentally ill woman's death.“We've made history here in Phoenix,” said Fran Garrett, Cusseaux's mother. The four officers had a court order to transport Cusseaux to an inpatient mental health facility (Reuters, 2014). They’re not firing anybody. The lawsuit remains ongoing.

To find out more, visit our Get the latest updates in news, food, music and culture, and receive special offers direct to your inboxGet the latest updates in news, food, music and culture, and receive special offers direct to your inbox Once there, police found Muhaymin had a warrant out for his arrest.Muhaymin asked police to call his sister to come pick up the dog, but the officers ignored him. Donia: A Free 17th Century Settlement Brush Set While not my most extensive set (a little over one hundred brushes), Donia boasts one of the more unique takes on settlements from the 17th century. “People want real criminal-justice reform [and want to see] officers that aren't justified in using force brought to justice.”“We want substantive policy reform,” Maupin said, “and we also don't want to celebrate prematurely. Family of Michelle Cusseaux: Fight far from over. Much to their dismay, earlier this year, the Maricopa County Attorney's Office announced that it would not press charges against Dupra.