Today we take a gander at a pitch from Mark Skousen, who has been a newsletter guy for decades with his And the headline of his latest “presentation” pretty well sums up the tease:So… what is he talking about? Main Street seeks to partner with entrepreneurs, business owners and management teams and generally provides “one stop” financing alternatives within its lower middle market portfolio. And the subtitle is pretty clever: — The Voice of America started transmitting radio broadcasts to Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union.— Jackie Robinson became the first African American to play Major League Baseball.— UFO sightings became all the rage, especially in Roswell, New Mexico.— The House Un-American Activities Committee investigated the Hollywood Ten as communist sympathizers, who were subsequently blacklisted in Hollywood.— First Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in Judean Desert.And several events occurred that year that are special for me:–The CIA was created (I worked for the Company in 1972-75).— The Mont Pelerin Society was founded in Mont Pelerin, Switzerland, by Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek. He was very supportive of Steve Moore, and said President Trump was not backing down in nominating Moore, despite controversy over his nomination (read last week’s Skousen CAFÉ). I celebrated my 40th birthday on the day of the stock market crash, October 19, 1987, six weeks after I forewarned my October 19 is also the anniversary of the end of the War for Independence, when the Americans and French won the Battle of Yorktown in 1781.April 19, 1973,  is also a memorable date in my life. Please read our important disclaimers and policies. In Skousen’s words:“I’ve found a powerful private equity investment that allows you to get in on multiple great private equity deals — all at once.“Over the last two years alone, for instance, they closed out 7 private equity deals.“Every single one made money… with the smallest gain coming in at 210%.“They haven’t exited a single losing position during that time.“And the amount this private equity investment has paid out to investors has never dropped – not once — in 10 years.So this is some sort of investment pool or fund, no? You’ll not regret it.Have owned MAIN since 2014 and HTGC since 2017.

These companies have all paid similarly high dividend yields for years, most of them with growing dividends, and have been, at times, beloved by investors… but even with those large dividends, MAIN and SAR are the only two have have meaningfully outperformed the S&P 500. Have any favorite MLPs?Mark likes dividends, always has! What's the penny stock hinted at in Forecasts & Strategies teasers?What's the "Raptor" RA-killer teased in ads for Forecasts & Strategies?Mark Skousen teases, "A newly discovered, one-of-a-kind mineral that holds the key to unlocking a virtually limitless supply of this 'forever fuel'… and one company owns exclusive rights to the entire world’s supply"What's being teased as the "Turn $500 into $58,022" investment for "The Coming Trump Biotech Explosion? He should now have about $1.7 trillion dollars (and is still selling newsletters). He is the founder and producer of FreedomFest, “the world’s largest gathering of free minds,” which meets in Las Vegas every July. In his past career Mr. Skousen occupied the position of Principal at International Business Machines Corp. and Consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers (Oman). Do we want…Today the Wall Street Journal issued its best editorial regarding the current crisis: “No society can safeguard public health for long at the cost of its economic health.” The WSJ is finally saying what a lot of us have been saying all along — government officials are using a sledge hammer to crack a nut.…“This truly is a major development. Mark Skousen occupies the position of President of HighMark School Development LLC. You can lose on anything, of course, from a game of blackjack to a venture capital investment to a conservative mutual fund, but investing is a game of probabilities and it’s important to think about those distinctions — those who don’t risk everything are generally not shooting for the most dramatic returns, and also stand a better chance of not losing everything.But anyway, what is this secret “back door” investment?