It’s like a rogue’s gallery:There is NOT ONE ‘member’ who does not have a “D” next to their name.For A Fixed Monthly Gift Choose Below and Click Subscribe Fudge is a dangerous,hateful bitch; a vicious POS, as bad as Killory Rodham.And I think that word belongs in a dust heap.

“Are we truly one nation under God?”During today’s Special Morning Hour, I shared a letter from an OH-11 constituent concerning the current administration.

!“Some people come in our life as blessings. Can’t say Woff in a theater and all.I don’t use the N word, because it’s hard on Fur`s site. When Bucshon again told Fudge “you’re out of order,” she responded, “And so … The congresswoman has stated that the prospect of challenging . Never Nancy House democrats have reportedly been trying to recruit Ohio’s 11th congressional district representative, Marcia Fudge to run for speaker.

Williams criticized House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi, writing that he respects her, but her hesitancy to impeach Trump is based on polls and her belief that it would polarize the country. Anyone who addresses the chamber must “rise and respectfully address the Speaker,” According to the House rules, if anyone violates the rules, the Speaker must call to the House to order and the House member in question must immediately sit down. Follow the link to subscribe to the Congresswoman's e-Newsletter Some come in your life as lessons.” ~ Mother TeresaFudge is a lesson in what you don’t ever want to be…venom.She should just stick to packin’ fudge! Join Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge as she hosts the 11th Congessional District Town Hall meeting. Rep. Marcia Fudge, a Democrat from Ohio, read a letter on the House floor Tuesday that was written by one of her constituents —who mince words about President Trump and his supporters.
“And to put icing on this cake, he is a proven liar,” Williams’ letter read.Williams also leans in to his criticism of Trump supporters. “It is glaringly apparent that many who support the president’s administration are either racists, steeped in religious beliefs, ignorant, or as my mother used to say, just plain dumb,” Fudge read from Williams’ letter.Fudge managed to squeeze in the last few words of Williams’ letter as her time on the floor ran out. Fudge had presented the letter during the House’s “morning hour” in which any member is permitted to speak on any topic.There are several decorum rules about speaking on the House floor. The Pandemic Child Hunger Prevention Act is co-led by Rep. Marcia Fudge (OH-11), Rep. Suzanne Bonamici (OR-01), Rep. Jim McGovern (MA-02), and Rep. Ilhan Omar (MN-05). -Other than that there’s this freedom thingy.

Visit … Fudge tried to dismiss his remark, but Bucshon doubled down. Congresswoman Marcia Fudge (OH-11), Chair of the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Nutrition, Department Operations & Oversight, Chair of the Committee on House Administration Subcommittee on Elections, and Member of the Committee on Education & Labor, is seeking an experienced and highly motivated Legislative Assistant. Marcia L. Fudge was born October 29, 1952 in Cleveland, Ohio. Yesterday, from the House chamber, Ohio Democrat Marcia Fudge read into the record a letter from one of her constituents that was nothing but attacks, insults and invectives directed not just at President Trump, but to those who voted for him.This letter called those of us who voted for Donald Trump “racist, steeped in religious beliefs, ignorant, or as my mother used to say just plain dumb.”Here’s the irony. “No, you’re out of order,” he said.When Bucshon again told Fudge “you’re out of order,” she responded, “And so are you.” Veasey called the House to order.Fudge shared a video on Twitter of her reading of the hotly contested letter. Nobody put a gun to her head and forced her to do it.But she did it because Marcia Fudge, like pretty much every other Democrat, hates the American people and can’t pass up the chance to prove it.The rep was just so excited one of her constituents can write she just had to share. But Fudge is a hateful ignorant cunt.

We serve The Architect, The Great Baker, Providence Himself.Take a look at the characters in the Congressional Black Caucus. Can’t say Woff in a theater and all.We don’t want to alienate Americans even when the word has nothing to do with Americans. And I also posit that that word should be stricken from our hearts, fingers, and mouthes.I don’t use the N word, because it’s hard on Fur`s site. Fudge is not the first Democrat to call for the impeachment of President Trump.
Its treasurer is Saundra Draper Berry. Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, reads a letter from a constituent on House floor calling Trump supporters “racist” and “dumb.” She then sparred with Rep. Larry Bucshon, R-Indiana, over House rules. We need to find a better word. Something like, “Enemies of Christ”.I don’t like the “N” word either but sometimes it’s good for effect, like “fuck”.

Campaign Funds, political contribution: Marcia Fudge For Congress is Principal campaign committee of a candidate.

Responsibilities include managing and executing the The rep also wanted to show the country she can read.THIS REMINDS ME..MY DAD USED TO SEND ME TO THE STORE FOR NIGGER TOES AND FUDGE…HIS FAVES! This letter called those of us who voted for Donald Trump “racist, steeped in religious beliefs, ignorant, or as my mother used to say just plain dumb.” ... Email me for my mailing address. Its financial statement filing frequency or status is Quarterly filer. I think so,'” Fudge said as “The question is, why hasn’t the United States Congress started a formal impeachment investigation,” Williams’ letter read. The committee's mailing address is 3729 Silsby Rd University Heights, OH 44118-3647.