Director Jesús Sánchez Romeva Genres It is fun to speculate what might have been...the things our society does today is at par with what has happened in the past.I LOVE a mystery! Far beyond my standard schooling! Another history, a secret history, tells of Egypt as the inheritor of deep wisdom and magical ability from an even earlier culture. This came during the years that Europe were forging empires of their own. Having a population who realizes that their spoon fed history has been tampered with and then questions all they have been told is a frightening thing for any control system. It's nice to see open-mindedness leading to cohesion between science and religion. (2006). In some ways it has made me disbelieve this research, he has demonstrated that he has a tendency to overlook huge amounts of evidence in order to support his theories...sorry done 50 years research myself on this subject and it was totally missed in this doc making it inbalanced... dissapointing!Watching no.5 right now, I liked the series so much that I'm downloading it at tpb. We should only be concerned with finding the truth. You simply did not hear that, obviously. If your journey consists of finding the start or end do not look anymore. The Library of Alexandria was burned and we know nothing about what it contained, really. It could had been enlightening and really open minding if done properly. lenardo? To know we have had a real past en riches my life. I'll have to bow to your knowledge on such matters for fear of being wrong but I can put forward an opinon for your second question:The colonial view was of a Romano-Europe filled by natives adopting togas, Roman vice and baths. They coined the term Dark Ages because of the dearth of literary sources coming out of the period. This "alternative history" is so completely bogus. Do I think they had "magic" no, but they could do complicated math, perhaps there is another way to harness energy that we do not know, a simpler way a lost knowledge they had access to. Except that we now have [insert modern invention]. Thanks for educating people, you're doing a huge favor to us and you don't even know it.Greetings from Egypt to the whole world.. No one excluded.Thanks Truth, What is happening with the female Arab spring? Emotion anchoring works even if you know it's normal for the brain to do this when you attempt it. See Egyptian civilization and the Great Sphinx in a refreshing new light. Aside from one glass skull, what artifacts are there. Another history, a secret history, tells of Egypt as the inheritor of deep wisdom and magical ability from an even earlier culture. I was really enjoying this doc up until this point. Pity that the library of Alexandria was burnt, isn't it?I believe, that its old as ****, and any one who says they know is just a little bit full of ****. Even they realized that true teachings have to be passed down to keep its understanding. Blah, it's neither entertaining nor informative. The Original Series from 2000. Woodstock: Princeton University Press.Millett, M. (1990). "Carbon Dater" you missed everything that the video is about. Other wise made to feel savage and inferior when your so called founding scholars waited to be let in our schools.reclaim what's yyours reclaim your place.usirkaf ausar min dr york....This is a truly profound doc, it all makes perfect sense, No?this doc was great. Keep that in mind when you ask about carbon dating. Another example of religion driving people insane.I think you are talking about when they take out an organ which makes it possible for a female to have an orgasm. Very primitive forms of hieroglyphs have been found, proving they didn't just "appear". It shouldn't be that hard, they did it for the artichoke. John Anthony West (July 9, 1932 – February 6, 2018) was an American author, lecturer, guide and a proponent of the fringe Sphinx water erosion hypothesis. Are you really going to go through life thinking that no one else can bring knew theorys to the table. Some of it I had already heard about, a lot of it was new to me. this is not a documentary, this is not even real. The view presented here is outdated.I'm just curious, as you said views in this documentary are outdated, where were these primitive forms of hieroglyphics found? If you could give me a source or link, I'd like to research Read John Anthony West's 'Serpent In The Sky' for a more detailed exposition of what the ancient's were up to.Also Schwaller de Lubicz's 'Sacred Science'.These guys(ancient Egyptian's)were operating with a highly sophisticated knowledge that would make modern technology seem primative!They worshiped the spirit,of which their buildings were merely representations!! The series transported me into ancient Egypt like a true time traveler.One of the best and most compelling series on ancient Egypt I've ever seen! My apologies first off for what may have seemed snooty or high and mighty attitude, this wasn't my intention. people living in the bronze age SHOULD NOT HAVE THE EQUIPMENT OR KNOWLEDGE TO MEASURE RED SHIFT AND MAKE THE CALCULATIONS!!!! Not that I was trying to make anyone out to be a layman or belittle anyone. For all the similarities I could point out a similar, if not larger list of differences.