You killed them in cold blood.

The two engage in a brief exchange before Spock lets down his non-emotional guard to utter this important quote.It would prove to be a bittersweet moment, as Spock would die just out of reach of Kirk, devastating the Captain who regarded him as his most personal friend.While the two engaged in enough banter for a lifetime, they were equally fond of one another in their own way. I shall leave you as you left me, as you left her. You're gonna have to come down here. James T. Kirk: You are a murderer! Reliant gave him a chance to catch Captain Kirk off guard and fire upon the Enterprise, dealing severe damage and crippling its ability to jump to warp.

Khan: I've done far worse than kill you, Admiral. Though the It would also give us a little insight into Khan's level of self-awareness as he counted down the seconds before enacting his ultimate plan, the destruction of Captain Kirk.Khan's successful takeover of the U.S.S. Tweet +1. Known for frustrating countless Cadets, the No-Win scenario was successfully beaten by Captain Kirk, who reprogrammed the simulation to allow him to win.After successfully escaping the wasteland of Ceti Alpha Five and commandeering the Reliant, Khan's close confidant Joachim makes one single attempt to convince him to abandon his vengeful quest against Kirk and start a new life free from the shackles of their former imprisonment.Khan listens to Joachim's suggestion but is quick to remind him that Kirk, not himself, is the one who wishes the confrontation to take place. Derek loves contributing to both ScreenRant and TheGamer. A one-stop shop for all things video games. "Kirk was the only Starfleet Cadet ever to beat the infamous Kobayashi Maru, a training exercise designed without a winning solution. Share. After marooning Kirk and several crew members on Regula 1's nearby planetoid, Khan once again gloats over what he thinks is a victory over his nemesis. Twitter. I've hurt you. Kirk: Khan... Khan, you've got Genesis, but you don't have me.


The scenario served a purpose: to test the resolve and decision-making skills of Starfleet officers in times of immense crisis. Believing he had the upper hand, Khan uttered this quote over the comm channel in an effort to gloat over his perceived victory.For all his intelligence and bravado however, Khan lacked a rudimentary understanding of Starfleet procedures, especially when it came to starships. Khan Noonien Singh quotes that will make you believe in yourself. 40+ Khan Noonien Singh Quotes From Star Trek That Will Make You Believe In Yourself. 587. Share. And I wish to go on hurting you. Facebook. Like. Marooned for all … While Mr. Spock mentors the young Vulcan Lt. Saavik (then-newcomer Kirstie Alley), Kirk must battle Khan to the bitter end, through a climactic starship chase and an unexpected crisis that will cost the life of Kirk's closest friend.

Inspired by the "Space Seed" episode of the original TV series, the film reunites newly promoted Admiral Kirk with his nemesis from the earlier episode--the genetically superior Khan (Ricardo Montalban)--who is now seeking revenge upon Kirk for having been imprisoned on a desolated planet. However, this was all an elaborate ruse by Kirk to buy some time for the Enterprise to make repairs and swing around for a rendezvous.In order to sell the scene, Kirk allows Khan to think he's dealt him a major blow. Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan is widely regarded as the best in the film series, and for good reason. Their battle ensues over control of the Genesis device, a top-secret Starfleet project enabling entire planets to be transformed into life-supporting worlds, pioneered by the mother (Bibi Besch) of Kirk's estranged and now-adult son.

Often celebrated as one of the best—if not the best—Star Trek film, here are 10 of our favorite quotes from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.When Captain Terrell and Chekov stumble upon a ramshackle shelter on a desolate planet, they believe to be Ceti Alpha Six, they're met by an embittered Khan and what is left of his original Botany Bay crew. At Spock's funeral, Kirk made his feelings known openly for the first time, fighting back tears in the process.This one needs no introduction and no explanation. . --Jeff Shannon hurting you. Khan, you've got Genesis, but you don't have me! Although Star Trek: The Motion Picture had been a box-office hit, it was by no means a unanimous success with Star Trek fans, who responded much more favorably to the "classic Trek" scenario of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. You're gonna have to come down here. And I wish to go on... hurting you.

I've hurt you. Khan: He used my friends to control me. I shall leave you as you left me. Kirk was able to outsmart Khan by playing humble, while quickly devising a counter-attack that helped even the odds.Spock utters this quote regarding the philosophical nature of logic and how it dictates real-world The final act of the film sees the Enterprise facing certain destruction, prompting Spock to sacrifice his own life in order to save everyone else. Khan: I've done far worse than kill you. 5 Movie Trilogies That Improved Over Time (& 5 That Declined) I've hurt you.