Supersize Me depicts Morgan Spurlock and his experiment to show the impact of eating McDonalds by recording his diet and comparing his health before and after the fast food challenge. Spurlock documented his journey in a film entitled Supersize Me, which has served as a call to action for the years since its release.

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I recently noticed that a jewelry store had been closed at a mall and had been replaced by a Starbucks.

In 2003, Morgan Spurlock, a healthy-bodied film director, set on a quest to show America the detrimental effects of the fast food industry and raise awareness on the controversial issue. 3) In his random sampling of nutritionists from all over America, 95% agreed that fast food is a major contributor to the obesity epidemic sweeping America. Spurlock uses many structural and presentational devices to affect us on a personal level. 1) John F. Banzhaf III, Law Professor at George Washington University has determined that something new to American culture must be causing this phenomenon. Now Americans eat out approximately 40% of the time. Spurlock’s grueling drive-through diet spirals him into a physical and emotional metamorphosis that will make you think twice about picking up another Big Mac.Sign up to Join John Robbins’ Food Revolution Network and Receive Your FREE Real Food Action Guide!By entering your information here, you are agreeing to receive messages from Food Revolution Network.

As a second independent variable, Spurlock reduces the amount of walking he does from 4-5 miles a dayBecause of the nature of Spurlock's experiment, he can not have two groups. Parts of Experiment Spurlock's independent variable is the change in his eating habits to be exclusive to McDonald's items. But what do we expect from a documentary? In the documentary film SuperSize Me, Morgan Spurlock's objective is to see what happens to his health after thirty days of eating only food from McDonald's. What surprised me most was how quickly the jewelry store was replaced by Starbucks. I was able to uncover the writer within me.

John F. Banzhaf III : biography July 2, 1940 – In his advocacy against childhood obesity, Banzhaf has criticized McDonald’s. I have chosen to highlight three specific sections of health psychology that stood out within Spurlock’s film.

levels there is no doubt that Spurlock’s health greatly declined in the month long period.

The rules?

We know documentaries to be faithful recounts of events; however, these events may be subject to just as muchand Supersize Me are documentaries that highlight the adverse epidemic of obesity, heart disease, and other health problems that is running rampant throughout the United States. any moment from any film. Runtime: 2 hours . For more information see our Bestselling Author | Social Activist | HumanitarianThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Morgan Spurlock of New York CityEvery night when we sit down to watch our much loved Grey’s Anatomy or Desperate Housewives, we know for a fact they are fictional dramas which allow us to escape the reality and boredom of our lives. American Enterprise Institute 1789 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 Main telephone: 202.862.5800 Main fax: 202.862.7177

In my journal, I wrote a variety of different poems, short stories, and lessons I have learned in life.

He presents information showing that McDonald's targets kids and Banzhaf describes a process that McDonald's uses to get kids in the door.