Age disaggregated data on UASC arriving to Spain and Cyprus is not available.In 2019, European countries12 recorded 672,935 new asylum seekers. There are also millions of stateless people, who have been denied a nationality and lack access to basic rights such as education, health care, employment and freedom of movement. Applicants in 2019. UNHCR will support the government as it develops integration policies and laws in 2018-2019. Latest information on refugee and migrant children in Europe An estimated 42,500 children were present in Greece as of 31 December 2019, up from 27,000 in December 2018.

The International Rescue Committee ensures these refugees understand their rights and provides them with job training, and psychosocial support so that they can rebuild their lives. Overall, the U.S. has admitted about 76,200 refugees so far under the Trump administration (Jan. 20, 2017, to Sept. 30, 2019). The report includes legislative amendments introduced by L. 4636/2019 on international protection and other provisions, which entered into force on 1 January 2020. Refugee rate. "A key priority moving forward is to strengthen the sense of security of the citizens and addressing major problems at the facilities in order to improve the current, problematic situation on the islands'', said Koumoutsakos. Sex disaggregated data on UASC arriving to Spain is not available.The majority of UASC who arrived in Italy, Greece, Bulgaria and Malta between January and December 2019 were between 15 and 17 years old (80% overall). The country has been welcoming huge influxes of refugees since the outbreak of the crisis in 2015, and it is still struggling to cope with the thousands of asylum seekers at camps across the country. The eviction of 143 undocumented refugees and migrants from a disused school building is backfiring on the government. In April 2019, there were still 14,000 migrants living on the island and humanitarian agencies report the situation is drastic. Rejection.

According to data released by Frontex, the main problem is the rising number of illegal arrivals on the islands of the eastern Aegean. "The islands right now are suffering from strangulation due to overcrowding at the facilities, and there is a need for more effective border guarding, and concern over possible increased flows in the coming period," said a statement from the Ministry of Citizens' Protection. In the Eastern Mediterranean, between Turkey and primarily Greece, but also Cyprus, there were 66,166 sea arrivals this year, which is almost twice as many as in 2018 (33,536). This increase was largely due to an increase in arrivals in the second half of 2019 – between July and November, with between 6,000 and 11,000 migrants arriving on average each month.

nearly a third of them (202,945) were children. The information in this report is up-to-date as of 31 December 2019, unless otherwise stated. The country has been welcoming huge influxes of refugees since the outbreak of the crisis in 2015, and it is still struggling to cope with the thousands of asylum seekers at camps across the country. Monthly statistics on asylum applications and first instance decisions are published by the Asylum Service,Breakdown by countries of origin of the total numbersSource: Asylum Service. Read how we support refugee and migrant children and their families.

Despite the overall decrease, the number of arrivals on the Greek islands in the Aegean increased by a quarter compared to the same period of last year," the statement added. He urged member countries to show solidarity with the likes of Greece, Italy and Hungary by taking 160,000 refugees off their hands. 87,461. yet, the proportion of girls arriving to Greece in the same period was significant - 41% of all child arrivals. The Asylum Information Database (AIDA) is a database managed by the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), containing information on asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention and content o Amendments introduced by L. 4686/2020 in May 2020 are not included in the present report. Greece remains the country with the highest number of first-time applicants relative to its population.