A St. Louis County, Mo., prosecutor said Thursday, that he will not be charging the police officer who shot 18-year-old Michael Brown in 2014, after quietly reopening the investigation.

Check out what's clicking on Foxnews.com.Civil rights leaders and Brown's mother reportedly hoped that Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell, who became the county’s first Black prosecutor in January 2019, might reopen the investigation into police officer Darren Wilson, who shot Brown six years ago.Bell told reporters today that his decision was “one of the most difficult things I’ve had to do. ... including that Brown was unarmed and that police had left his body in the street …

Critics of McCulloch consistently said they did not trust the grand jury process under him.Last year, on the five-year anniversary of Brown’s death, Brown’s family demanded Bell’s office reinvestigate the killing that rocked St. Louis and launched national conversations about race and policing.Until Thursday, Bell had dodged questions about whether his office would reopen the case.Just a few people in Bell’s office were aware the investigation had been reopened, Bell said, in an effort to protect it and shield it from outside influence, Bell said.“We didn’t want to create a circus if we announced that we were looking at it,” he said.Bell said the investigation concluded a few weeks ago, and he met with Brown’s parents, Michael Brown Sr. and Lesley McSpadden, on Thursday before the public announcement.“I know this is not the result that they were looking for and that their pain will continue forever,” he said.Neither of Brown’s parents could be reached Thursday.Bell’s investigators had no contact with Wilson or his attorneys through the investigation, which was led by lawyer Dana Mulhauser, a former U.S. Department of Justice trial attorney hired last year as chief of the office’s Conviction and Incident Review Unit.Bell said Thursday his office has no plans to publicly release a report detailing conclusions of the investigation.Wilson resigned from the police department in November 2014.A few months later, the Justice Department concluded Wilson was justifiably afraid of Brown and could not be prosecuted federally. “He just dresses nicer. He declined comment to the Post-Dispatch. Ferguson Police Chief: Fear Of ‘Hostile Fire’ Prompted Officers To Leave Michael Brown’s Body In The Street For Hours Written By hollowaylynette Posted June 11, 2015 “This is one of the most difficult things I’ve had to do as an elected official,” Bell said at a news conference Thursday. After Brown stole the cigarillos and they left the store, they resumed this conversation. 62° Michael Brown Left on Street: Not his soul or his ghost, but the specter of the humanity he shared with all of us. Police left the Black teenager’s body in the street for more than four hours, igniting outrage across the country and day after day of angry, sometimes violent protests in Ferguson.The 2014 shooting prompted months of protests here and across the country.Bell’s announcement comes amid an ongoing coronavirus pandemic and waning protests over the May death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody. Outside the car: Ten of the twelve shots were fired after Officer Wilson got out of his cruiser. We hope that they will be enveloped by a community of love and support to face yet another moment of heartbreak and disappointment.“A few dozen activists and Ferguson residents gathered Thursday night at the same apartment complex where Brown was killed.

A small memorial was built to commemorate Brown, including a teddy bear surrounded by roses.About 30 demonstrators then went to Ferguson Market and Liquor, where Brown shoved a store clerk prior to his fatal interaction with Wilson.
We just moved to Florissant a couple years ago, after Mike Brown.

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