Cats needing this remedy obviously also need emergency medical care, but while you are on the way to the vet, give this remedy every 10-15 minutes, to help forestall cardio-respiratory shutdown.Carbo-veg is also helpful in cases of known carbon monoxide poisoning.As you might expect from the name, this is a good remedy for vomiting problems. Similar is the case for my son & daughter.Sir , my daughter is 1 year old. What medicine is to be taken for him? I highly recommend this product.Chloe seems to have a tad more energy and more noticeable is that she doesn’t seem to be wheezing as much! Tips to Cure or Avoid Cat Allergy Thank you!I must be blind or dumb, but I didn’t see in your post just what 3 sugar pills you took to relieve your pain. The remedies also make sure that no weakness or other residual effects of fever remain in the body. Wirral test negative. We are so happy to have you here.In a previous post you mentioned using homeopathy for hormone related migraines. She has lots of energy , spunk, has gained weight and seems to no longer have the temporary spells that her heart murmur would cause.

Nux Vomica, is a holistic medicine for fever. Copyright © 2018. These are specifically chosen for cats, and while they may be given to other species, other remedies may be more applicable.This remedy is one of the most important in the homeopathic arsenal, especially for cats. After managing my own autoimmune diseases using lifestyle, habit, and mindset changes, I now work to teach others how to navigate the treacherous and confusing journey of chronic illness living. Aconite, made from the lovely but highly poisonous plant “Monkshood,” is the first remedy for sudden fear or terror. In the morning the temperature is around 99 degrees and in the evening it goes upto 100.20. Also, make sure your cat has easy access to fresh water since dehydration can make a fever worse. Fever is a rise in body temperature above normal. Her fever doesnt break, urine test clear, every test clear. It can be used for insect bites or stings of any kind that have a red and swollen appearance. Thuja, which is derived from the northern white cedar, Arbor vitae (“Tree of Life”), is indeed a lifesaver. Thanks!Hi Holland, great question! Pls help us sirHello Dr my Name is Nawaz , form Narowal Pakistan, My daughter age is one year and five month and she is suffering from fever from last two months fever pls help meBrother us ka typhidot test karwao.
No shivering. Not too long ago, our doctors gave us both an autoimmune disease diagnosis, but that’s about it. I gave Spunky the Heart remedy for approximately 3 weeks (late April to mid-May 2019). Nothing stuck.So when I delivered my second child and lost over a liter of blood, I was terrified of my recovery and the uphill battle for maintaining normal iron levels.Thankfully though, I just learned about a series of homeopathic remedies called I continued using the cell salt for 3 months post-partum and haven’t had any issues with iron deficiency anemia since.I’m talking about full on panic attacks. Chronic kidney Failure or chronic renal failure (CRF) or chronic kidney disease (CKD) the different name in one disorder, the kidney failure is a fatal disease where the body’s waste products which should be expelled out from our body in the form of urine through our both kidneys cannot be excreted out due to nonfunctioning of kidneys and that leads to multi organ failure. During my first pregnancy, I received iron via IV because my levels were so low. The suppression of eruptions may lead to severe brain complications. all tests are ok. Arsenicum in very high potency is sometimes used for euthanasia.This is not a frequently needed remedy, but it does have two very specific applications.