And large round bales, set to sustain the herd of Guernsey cows until the growing season, stack high against the calf barn. Accolades from the American Cheese Society, the United States Championship Cheese Contest, and the UK’s World Jersey Cheese Awards, among others, line an entire wall of the cheese house at Thistle Hill Farm in North Pomfret, Vermont.Don’t be surprised if you walk out of the farm shop at Seven Stars Farm with reverse sticker shock. 157K likes. They raise their hens in mobile housing on well-managed, ample pasture or in fixed housing with intensively managed rotated pasture. Strafford Organic Creamery exudes a charm that is quintessentially Vermont.“It was a very sad day in the late 70s when I watched the cows leave the farm after the bottom went out of milk prices. Our donors provide us with the resources and the moral authority to strengthen the good food movement. Their son, Aaron, was born that same year the milk cows vanished from the barn. Unfortunately, the birds consumers are most likely to find come from industrialized operations where they… The Cornucopia Institute works diligently to expose widespread fraudulent activity from "factory farms." This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Stay engaged to lend your voice to our regulatory and watchdog efforts. We research brands and investigate the industry to identify and elevate authentic organic foods and farmers, while we scrutinize the USDA National Organic Program’s enforcement and application of the organic law. Corporate acquisition of organic brands since 1997 has resulted in major consolidation while providing the illusion of consumer choice.Where do your seeds come from? Whether you're a consumer, a farmer, or a change maker, your actions propel our work.

Cornucopia Institute: Each of the scorecards is designed differently, depending on available data and relevant criteria. (Infographic) Do-it-Yourself Guide to Choosing The Best Chicken and Turkey Press Release Seven in 10 US shoppers buy organic poultry.

Sep 6, 2014 - The Cornucopia Institute - Organic Egg Scorecard. The egg scorecard, for example, rates companies that market name-brand and private-label organic eggs based on 28 criteria that are important to organic consumers. The Cornucopia Institute is a non-profit consumer education and watchdog organization. The Cornucopia Institute provides needed information to family farmers, consumers, and other stakeholders in the good food movement through research and investigations on agriculture and food issues.A wild orchard hugs the driveway. The accompanying organic egg scorecard rates companies that market name-brand and private-label organic “shell” eggs based on 22 criteria that are important to organic consumers. The “Big 6” agrichemical/seed firms have now combined into the “Big 4.”Find out which companies supported and fought against state GMO labeling efforts..The Cornucopia Institute, through research and investigations on agriculture and food issues, provides needed information to family farmers, consumers and other stakeholders in the Sign up for The Cornucopia Institute’s eNews and action alerts to stay informed about organic food and farm issues.This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Producers in this top tier go “beyond organic” managing their diverse family-scale farms. The Cornucopia Institute, Cornucopia, WI. Cindy Dunphy, who owns and manages the biodynamic, certified organic farm along with her two sons, Ryan and Zack, routinely gives newcomers two quarts of yogurt on the house. The Cornucopia Institute is a non-profit consumer education and watchdog organization. We research brands and investigate the industry to identify and elevate authentic organic foods and farmers, while we scrutinize the USDA National Organic Program’s enforcement and application of the organic law. The Cornucopia Institute, through research and investigations on agriculture and food issues, provides needed information to family farmers, consumers and other stakeholders in the good food movement and to the media. For those organic egg eaters out there, this report will make you think twice next time you go to the market. “It’s our way of paying it forward,” she says.Organic Poultry Scorecard Scorecard Criteria Full Report Organic Chicken and Turkey at a Glance (Major Findings) Who Owns Organic Poultry? They sell eggs under their farm’s brand name, mostly through farmers markets, food cooperatives and/or independently owned grocery stores and sometimes through larger chains.Cornucopia’s scorecards were made possible by generous gifts from Dr. Rebecca and Mr. Laird Malamed and donors like you. The Cornucopia Institute, a nonprofit agricultural watchdog group that reveals industrial practices within the elastic organic standards, began rating eggs over five years ago. The sleepy sugar shack awaits syrup season. Jane moved to Tide Mill Farm after marrying seventh-generation farmer Robert Bell. Cornucopia rated all brands of eggs based on 22 criteria that are important to consumers and the results, and accompanying video, were quite telling.