That Constitution, still in force today almost one hundred years later, insisted on complete separation of Church and State (article 3), the division of large haciendas into ejidos, held jointly by local entities and national ownership of national subsoil (article 27), and the right of labor to organize, strike, receive compensation for workplace accidents (article 123). Article 27 mandated that lands taken from the peasantry during the Porfiriato had to be returned, even if they did not have written titles. They were young, ambitious, and relatively apolitical. Included is a PDF of the full text of the 1917 Constitution, which was printed in full in most Mexican newspapers once it had been ratified.

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The government could also take all land not used “appropriately,” and repurpose it for the public good. Article 123 established an 8-hour workday, a 6-day workweek, a minimum wage, and equal pay for equal work. TITLE ONE. I. Article 123 established an 8-hour workday, a 6-day workweek, a minimum wage, and equal pay for equal work. Carranza had thought the new constitution would be like that of 1857, but most of the delegates were twentieth century liberals, considered radicals in Mexico, like General Francisco Múgica of Michoacan.The Constitution of 1917, still in force almost 100 years later, has 137 articles. The document was ratified on 5 February 1917. Terms in this set (...) Article 3 - Secular and Obligatory Education-free and secluar education-prohibited religion in having influence on the public eduction-4 years of elementary school for ages 6-15 -catholic church opposed it-low budgets to enforce this article. We consider the passage of the Constitution of 1917 to mark the culmination of the Mexican Revolution.

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Carranza presented his draft of a constitution to the congress. Check out Britannica's new site for parents! It establishes the government, public service and social welfare, and Mexico City as the capital, with the Federal District a separate entity, apart from state jurisdiction.The Revolution deeply affected everyone at the convention, and the document reflects their experiences. [tr.] The constitution of 1917 contained a statute limiting the amount of land that a person could own and, through the concept of social utility, legalized the federal government’s expropriation and redistribution of land.

The constitution of 1917 contained a statute limiting the amount of land that a person could own and, through the concept of social utility, legalized the federal government’s expropriation and redistribution of land.

Included is a PDF of the full text of the 1917 Constitution, which was printed in full in most Mexican newspapers once it had been ratified. Mexico's Constitution of 1917 with Amendments through 2015 Subsequently amended We consider the passage of the Constitution of 1917 to mark the culmination of the Mexican Revolution. Individual Guarantees.

One of the most significant fruits of the Mexican Revolution was the Constitution of (1917 Constitution of Mexico), which could be considered as the final goal of all leaders striving for national rights for the Mexicans, the so called “Constitutionalists”.With the fall of Huerta, the revolutionaries were fighting internally to see who would be the next to sit on the presidential chair.

Carranza had thought the new constitution would be like that of 1857, but most of the delegates were twentieth century liberals, considered radicals in Mexico, like General Francisco Múgica of Michoacan.The Constitution of 1917, still in force almost 100 years later, has 137 articles.