She almost confessed her situation to Lois but didn't. She was rescued by the While she helped a victim of an explosion that occurred outside the When she and Jimmy held an engagement party, they were kidnapped by Her friendship with Davis continued to grow and when Chloe moderated group sessions at the Isis Foundation for young people, one member was murdered and while investigating the death, Davis confessed to her that he could be the murderer. She also gave Clark Fine's recent whereabouts, information given to her by Lionel Luthor. She later was ready to delete the picture she had of the dance, but decided to keep it saved.

However, Lex began to flatline with Clark still linked to him. Chloe's computer skills qualify her as a member of the Chloe can not only search online databases: she can also create and forge information records. Later, Chloe begins to open Oliver's gift but hesitates. Before going to testify against Lionel, Chloe helped When she drank a sports drink laced with a kryptonite-enhanced love potion, Chloe was transformed into an overactive devotee to Clark Kent. The aftermath of Doomsday's attack on Chloe and Jimmy's wedding leaves Clark in shock, but before he can search for the kidnapped Chloe, an evil being, known as The Persuader, appears and attacks him. Although Chloe was lost, Oliver continued to remind her and revealed that they shared their first kiss on the Despite falling off the grid, she still contacted the new editors of the Smallville Torch newspaper the night after the high school reunion, pleased that they had been continuing her work with the Later, when Clark proposed to Lois and she accepted, Chloe sent Lois a letter with a gift for her wedding day, congratulating her on her engagement to Clark.

The Sullivans moved to Smallville in 2000.

Put on a Bus: Leaves Smallville and Clark at the end of Season 7. He is the uninhibited personality of Clark Kent that emerges whenever Clark is exposed to Red Kryptonite. Clark forgot to write an article for the Although Chloe and Clark were mending their broken friendship, at the same time Very hurt by the treachery of her friends, Chloe kept secret what she knew to see how far they could reach with their lie and finally broke down and confronted Clark about dating Lana. After apparently began to suffer hallucinations and paranoia after witnessing Davis killing a man, Chloe tasered Jimmy unconscious to stop him from assaulting Davis and this caused a tear in their relationship.

Also because of this, Chloe began to notice that Lana had begun to feel a great hatred towards Lex and started to worry about her friend. However, Chloe dismissed him after all he has done. He questioned her motives for helping him and insinuated that she might want more than friendship but then Chloe told him she felt the need to keep her distance from him for the time being. Upon being released from the hospital, Jimmy refused to go home with her saying that marrying her was the biggest mistake of his life and Chloe was left humiliated and heartbroken. They hatched a plan to confront Kara, but Chloe insisted on meeting her alone. But she soon finds herself hesitating to let another guy into her life when she accidentally runs into Oliver Queen at Star City University. Also, Chloe's healing factor had a remarkable impact on Over the years, Chloe has developed the research and computer skills to get just about any piece of information she needs. However, after Clark also gets caught in the same place, she began looking for a way out and finally succeeded with the help of Lana.