Here’s how CenturyLink announcedInternet Basics back on October 3, 2011: CenturyLink, Inc. (NYSE: CTL), one of the nation’s leading Internet service providers, today introduced CenturyLink Internet Basics to improve and promote broadband adoption and use by low-income consumers. As a result, your experience throughout including the use of drop-down menus, buttons and links will be limited. CenturyLink Internet Basics: Qualifying programs by state. So I have been charged at $20.94 per month. The number continues to grow.3. After reviewing all of the avaiable plans, not one is offered for disabled people?

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Even though the PR provides a certain amount of awareness, it is not the most effective means of reaching the targeted audiences needed for this program.4. That’s when she sent us an email saying, and we paraphrase, “I’m going to turn this over to someone else to answer your questions.”We immediately sent her an email asking who that person was so we could contact them directly, but received no response.Early in the morning of July 30, we received these “answers” to our questions:1. It’s ludicrous that I’m only receiving about 12-14mps on a 20mps plan and they want another $100 for a modem to go faster. A Don't have an account yet? It was just so clear that they were never going to do more than the bare minimum that was required of them.You are correct that DirecTV is a completely different company.As we have long expected, CenturyLink has screwed low-income Americans and put a bullet through the head of its Internet Basics program. In fact, it appears as if that will be the thrust of their future efforts. Mind if I ask why there’s such a reluctance to provide any details?I am going to forward your question to our Corp Communication contact who prepared the response. To help get more low-income … we live in a very bad area f or servicesA couple things, John. For customers who have contacted Customer Service and require additional supportCenturyLink Introduces Internet Basics for Low-Income Consumers Both substantial financial and personnel resources have been expended towards this rollout. When Company A has 90 times more news articles written about it than directly comparable Company B, a skeptic might begin to wonder if Company B is really trying.To use a military acronym, Internet Basics is MIA (Missing In Action).The first search result, as one would expect, is the Internet Basics page found at

my bills all say expiring jan. 2019* so nervous if i will be able to have any* internet after this issue occurs! In fact, it appears as if that will be the thrust of their future efforts. It is still underperforming Internet Essentials.CenturyLink started the Internet Basics program as a sop to the Federal Communications Commission. They tout absolutely everything they can think of major, minor and everything in between. You’ll have the speed and range to stream, game, and upload with ease. Have you rolled Internet Basics out in every CenturyLink market or just in a smaller number of markets? CenturyLink has been charging me approx.

Our promotion and marketing of the Internet Basics program continues throughout the year and is not limited to the schools or to households with children in the National School Lunch Program’s Free Lunch Program.As we said, a lot more words to provide absolutely no more information.

CenturyLink has been working with local communities in its service areas to help close the broadband education and adoption gap that separates so many Americans, especially older Americans.That same day, after receiving these wholly inadequate answers, we responded with this email:It appears that you’ve given me the barest of bare bones instead of any substantive answers to our questions. And I’m locked in for another year. There are a million things to do as part of running our websites and sometimes the little ones (and sometimes some bigger ones) just plain fall through the crack.


Centurylink internet basics application. Additional taxes, fees, and surcharges

It’s a great home Internet service for an affordable rate. Pay particular attention to PCs for People: Over a two-year period, CenturyLink committed 4.5 million dollars and extensive hours of staff time to implement the Internet Basics program. That was my bill for about 3 months. Introducing the service was the price the company was forced to pay in order to get an acquisition approved and its heart has never really seemed to be in it. Internet Basics is focused only on the most needy in the community, and anyone seeking help from under an illegal application will need to reimburse CenturyLink. Then we did the same search for “Internet Basics” and “CenturyLink” and found a paltry 55 articles. Promised 10 mbps and got 1.5 mbps for $36.99.

Helping Americans find affordable broadband internet plansIn these difficult economic times with so many people unemployed or employed only part time when they need fulltime jobs, CenturyLink Internet Basics is exactly what so many families and individuals need to help them search for and apply for jobs, to follow up on job applications, to find medical care and communicate with their doctors, to help their kids with their homework, and to help them with so many other tasks that can only be done on the internet.If CenturyLink offers high-speed DSL internet service in your area, their Internet Basics 1.5 Mbps program for low income Americans is an excellent option for First of all, let’s be clear that there are a few differences between the Internet Basics program and the program offered by the companies participating in the nationwide Both programs offer high-speed Internet for just $9.95 a month for the first year ($14.95/month afterwards).

After the fact, I saw the same iPad advertised numerous places for $99.

Prices for HSI service return to normal rates after 5 years. If you are interested in TV or phone services as well as internet service, there are bundling options available. Lies and lies. The Company has made systematic effort to conduct marketing, awareness outreach as well as training to every state where it has customers.