Nobody moves! What do you care? Sorry!

That's where you're wrong, Smarty Pants. We have a J. I came here to visit a fallen colleague, and then you attacked me.

Yep, yeah.

K.C defeats Johnson and his two agents. Zero times. But what just happened here changed my mind again. You're awake! Unfortunately, half of you will be fired.

I am not Saturn. And it hasn't always been easy, and it hasn't always been perfect, but, um, I think if you believe in yourself, you can have it all.

K.C. Well, shall I hit rewind? Especially to your big mouth. As Johnson gets up, K.C steals the helicopter and apologizes to him. Are you, or are you not a good guy?! I love you more. So, if you remember anything from today, remember that.

Well, at least one of your dreams came true.

Dad, do you remember what happened when you had all those unpaid parking tickets? I'm just saying, they were already there. Well, as far as I'm concerned, there's only one person at The Organization that we know we can trust. Aha!

If she wasn't an international arms dealer, she could be in the Olympics.

We'll take care of him.

After the attempted brainwash from a server to the elected president, Craig and Johnson try to find the one who pulled the trigger. That's it? Some are excited. I know we've had our differences, KC, but the truth is, I really look up to you.

Except I loved them. Can it, Byron! Wait. - Yeah, seriously. KC Cooper, you took everything from me, and now you're gonna pay! I made my decision. Look what we have here.

Of course I'm in trouble at school again. How did you finally decide? Try to have it all. Hah! John's Son? That makes way more sense. Everything has a way of working itself out. - Ohhh! You are the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Okay, we really should get you to the airport. Hey, why are you so upset about this? The idea that KC's leaving home? Now If you'll excuse me, I got a speech to finish.

I mean, it's no big deal! It won't be long before everyone finds out about you. What about what my gut says? I haven't decided if I'm going to stay with The Organization or accept my scholarship to Stanford.

She said it was someone who was close to us. This this just isn't gonna work out. No, this is great. Hey, what are you? It's okay, relax. Let's start over.

And I've been struggling with this speech, because how am I supposed to give you guys advice about the future when I haven't even decided what mine is yet? You know what?

I have to eliminate any possible threat. Listen carefully, 'cause we're only gonna say this one time.

The doctor put you in my arms and he said, "You have a little girl," and I cried. Well, I've got news for you.

Would you do the honors? You guys are my family. It's not Carl, it's me.

Towards the series finale, Johnson reveals his true colors of him being "The Mask". So what's wrong with that? My ears are in perfect proportion to my face! It's the Coopers!

Hey, what do you guys think they're talking about over there? That means they're all here.


She's a really good swimmer! But you know what? Why would you want to leave us? I made a big mistake. and Mrs. It's over, Amy!

I was just I was thinking about this this video I saw. Okay! Psst! Make you feel safe. What? Aah! And it doesn't matter if we live right next door to each other, or across the world, you'll always be my best friend. John's Son with one S would be Johnson! - Ohh! I'm not The Mask. K.C. Really? We're gonna pick up KC's graduation gift. Aw, Judy, that's so sweet. I can't believe this is really it. Open with a joke? Why should I waste my time worrying about some guy I can't trust?