The cost is deducted from your monthly salary.

For the avoidance of doubt, it is the driver's responsibility to ensure the permit is active – it is not the University's or the Parking Enforcement Officer's responsibility to check if a vehicle permit has been issued.1.13 Students that live in University managed accommodation are not permitted to park or bring vehicles onto the Campuses at any time, unless they have been approved for a Disability Parking Permit / Special Circumstance.1.14 Students that live in University postcode restricted areas (BA1-1, BA1-2, BA1-3, BA2-3 and BA2-9) are not permitted to park or bring vehicles onto the Campuses at any time unless they are a Disability Parking Permit holder, or the University has agreed to provide a Student Parking Permit due to exceptional circumstances.1.15 Persons wishing to park a non-University liveried vehicle overnight must ensure the car has a valid permit, notify Security (contact details: Tel: 01225 875555 email: in writing or by email (giving a reasonable notice period and ensuring that confirmation of receipt by Security is obtained prior to the overnight parking), and provide vehicles details, including registration number, make, model, and colour of the vehicle. Parking office 01225 386562. Please note that it is the responsibility of the driver to ensure that signs and lines are checked prior to leaving a vehicle. The University’s Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system will be used to monitor the car sharing system, and any group not using the Staff Car Share Parking Permit in the spirit in which it is intended will have the permit removed.3.1.5 Cars displaying a Staff Car Share Parking Permit can park in preferential car share bays only when car sharing (see Parking Bay Definitions below), General Parking Bays or, in the case of Disability Parking Permit holders, in Disability Bays.Visitors need to stop at Security on arrival to the campus, and then purchase and display a valid Pay and Display Ticket. Validation Tickets can also be purchased through the JustPark App. On 1st April 2019 we introduced a scheme to reduce the cost of permits for zero emission vehicles. The Students can apply for a permit as part of the registration process, or via the AppHub using the links in 'Registration' once their term time address has been confirmed.
A driver observing that another vehicle has been parked in a location, and has not received a PCN, should never assume parking in that location is acceptable.1.7 Unless otherwise authorised by the University, all motor vehicles (with the exception of motorcycles/scooters and Liveried University vehicles) parked or loading/unloading on the Campuses must display a valid Bath Spa University Parking Permit, which can be a:1.8 Motorcycles and scooters owners are required to apply for a valid permit so they are registered with the University; however it is not a requirement that permits are displayed on motorcycles or scooters.1.9 A Validation Ticket is valid for any campus on the day of purchase if supported by an official Validation Permit (see paragraph 1.8 above).

Please be aware that a Corsham Court Validation Parking Permit must be accompanied by a Validation Ticket, which can be purchased from the pay and display machines in the car park. 2 nd Bath permit: £160 for 12 months or £90 for 6 months.

No other Validation Parking Permit (Student or Staff) will be accepted at Corsham Court.1.11 Staff Permits are valid for use at any Campus (i.e. Visitors without a Visitor Parking Permit must adhere to the Pay and Display, purchasing a Pay and Display Ticket.4.3 It is the responsibility of the Bath Spa University Staff hosting visitors to ensure the visitors are made aware of the University’s Parking Terms and Conditions, in particular the need to park in appropriate parking bays and to clearly display their permit or Pay and Display Ticket.
Residents will need a valid permit if using residents’ parking bays.