Zoo said.LAPD officer’s body camera shows a man with hands up being shot in the head with a projectile as police advance on fleeing protesters in late May. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times. It also suggested that pool operators change the layout of their seating areas so that patrons can remain 6 feet away from anyone outside their household.While in the water, swimmers should also be advised to keep the same distance from anyone they are not quarantining with.The CDC did not address how to socially distance lap swimmers but pool operators could take a page from the guidelines published by USA Swimming, the sport's national governing body, which suggested limiting swimmers to one or two per lane and starting them from opposite ends of the pool.Parents should consider whether their children can or will stay 6 feet away from people they don't live with. "Proper operation and maintenance (including disinfection with chlorine and bromine) of these facilities should inactivate the virus in the water. The guidelines do not specifically apply to private pools or those operated by hotels, cruise lines and other travel-related businesses.The CDC suggested that pool operators "encourage the use of cloth face coverings as feasible," noting that they are "most essential in times when physical distancing is difficult. "Nevertheless, the agency said, "While there is ongoing community spread of the virus that causes COVID-19, it is important for individuals as well as owners and operators of these facilities to take steps to ensure health and safety. As indoor options dwindle, outdoor spaces get attention in L.A. and beyondThe Lounge Pool at Glen Ivy Hot Springs is one of 19 pools at the spa in Corona. These Southern California pools are open The Lounge Pool at Glen Ivy Hot Springs is one of 19 pools at the spa in Corona. At least one person should be designated as the COVID-19 point of contact. When I am in the water my form feels fine and I know I’m in good shape. Pools closed their doors on Saturday 21 March, but both outdoor and indoor pools have now reopened. Public pools in Santa Clara County, for instance, were allowed to open June 5 . However, Swim England notes that not all pools will open their doors straight away, as some may take longer than others to get facilities running again. Irvine’s William Woollett Jr. Aquatics Center reopened June 15 with lap swimming and water-walking, by reservation only. In trying to fend off the coronavirus, countries that put up entry barriers to tourists have done so at a mounting cost to themselves and others.As indoor options dwindle, outdoor spaces get attention in L.A. and beyondAnd on the 12-mile boat ride from Oxnard, you might see dolphinsUncruise Adventures, Lindblad Expeditions and others offer charter ship adventures while big-ship cruise travel is on hold.Four women say they were mistreated by comedian Bryan Callen, describing troubling sexual incidents ranging from assault to misconduct to disturbing comments.What the Emmy-nominated miniseries gets wrong about feminism past and present.The lions, both 21 years old, were euthanized after age-related health problems began diminishing their quality of life, the L.A. "There is no evidence that the virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to people through the water in pools, hot tubs, spas, or water play areas," the CDC said on its website. Travelers are finding many public restrooms closed these days, due to the pandemic. That person should respond to all virus-related concerns and all staff should know how to reach that person.The local health authorities should also immediately be notified of any COVID-19 cases and staff and patrons should be notified of potential exposure within the boundaries of the Americans With Disabilities Act.Any employee or patron who has tested positive for COVID-19, displays symptoms or has been around anyone with the disease in the last two weeks should not enter the facility until they have safely ended their 14-day isolation.The CDC has recommended that pool staff rearrange their deck and lounge chairs so that patrons stay six feet away from people outside their households.USA Swimming, the sport's national governing body, has recommended that teams returning to the water limit the number of athletes per lane and start them from opposite ends of the pool.If you aren't sure your kids will be able to stay six feet away from their friends, the CDC says to think twice about bringing them to the pool.If you feel the urge to sneeze or cough while at the pool, do it into your elbow to prevent the spray of droplets from your mouth.The CDC recommends that swimmers not share any gear that touches the face, such as goggles or snorkels.Running and rough-housing won't be the only infractions lifeguards will be cracking down on this summer.Lifeguards who are not actively monitoring the pool itself should be assigned to enforce things like social distancing, handwashing, the CDC said. Here’s what companies are doing to keep walkers safe. It also suggested devising a system so that furniture, pool equipment and other items are disinfected before being given to the next user and are kept separate from ones that have not yet been cleaned.The sharing of pool equipment that touches the face and is difficult to disinfect – such as goggles and snorkels – should be discouraged, even among patrons from the same household. Any other gear should not be shared with people from outside your home.The CDC recommended that pool staff use the public address system and the facility's social media accounts to regularly broadcast announcements on how to stop the spread of the virus.The onus to enforce these guidelines will largely be on the lifeguards and on-deck staff and their managers. If not, they should not take them to the pool.The only exceptions to the social-distancing rule, the CDC said, should be individuals involved with the evacuation of the facility in the event of an emergency or the rescue or administration of first aid or CPR to a swimmer in distress.The CDC instructed pool operators to encourage all staff and patrons to wash their hands and cover coughs and sneezes. Here’s what you need to know about finding a place to go when you’re on the go.Interest in foot-powered adventures has increased since the pandemic began.