Zwischenzeitlich hielt er sich auch in Beirut auf, bis er im Zuge der ...Unsere Datenbanken sind unverzichtbare Recherchequelle für Journalisten und Publizisten, wertvolle Informationsquelle für Entscheidungsträger in Politik und Wirtschaft, Grundausstattung für jede Bibliothek und unerschöpfliche Fundgrube für jeden, der mit den Zeitläuften und ihren Protagonisten Schritt halten will. Ausbildung . Abdul-Mahdi is a former member of the powerful Shi'a party the Mahdi was born in Baghdad in 1942, the son of a Shiite In the 1970s, Abdul-Mahdi was a leading member of the In 2006, Abdul-Mahdi, outgoing Vice President in the In December 2006, the Associated Press reported that Abdul-Mahdi could be the next Prime Minister of Iraq if a new multi-sectarian coalition succeeded in toppling the government of On 26 February 2007, he survived an assassination attempt that killed ten people. 1964 der Kommunistischen Partei an.In Frankreich war A. danach für "think tanks" tätig und tat sich als Autor und Redakteur von Magazinen in arabischer und französischer Sprache hervor. Adil Abdul-Mahdi al-Muntafiki (Arabic: عادل عبد المهدي المنتفكي , born 1 January 1942) is an Iraqi politician who served as Prime Minister of Iraq from October 2018 until May 2020. The protests caused the resignation of Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, who was replaced in May by al-Kadhimi, a former intelligence chief. Nearly 560 Iraqis Killed in Months of Anti-government Protests, Government Says . Quellenangabe: Eintrag "Abdul Mahdi al-Muntafiki, Adel" in Munzinger Online/Personen - Internationales Biographisches Archiv, URL: (abgerufen von nicht angemeldet am 2.8.2020) Politisch zunächst mit der panarabischen, laizistisch-sozialistischen Baath-Partei verbunden, schloss sich A. Baghdad College und erlangte 1963 an der Universität Bagdad einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Ökonomie. Adel (Adil) Abdul Mahdi al-Muntafiki wurde 1942 in Bagdad geboren. A. besuchte das renommierte, von amerikanischen Jesuiten gegr.
He had been targeted two times prior.In 2009, his bodyguards were the perpetrators of a bloody bank robbery in Baghdad.In July 2013, Abdul-Mahdi announced his decision to give up his retirement pensions as a former vice president. Al-Kadhimi came to power following a political consensus in … Pressure from the protests lead to the resignation of Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi.
Abdul-Mahdi is an economist and was one of the vice presidents of Iraq from 2005 to 2011.
Er ist der Sohn eines prominenten schiitischen Geistlichen (Abdul Mahdi Shobar), der zu Zeiten der irakischen Monarchie Bildungsminister unter König Faisal I. und auch Abgeordneter im irakischen Parlament war (1926, bzw. The mass demonstrations that started in October led to the resignation of Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, who was replaced by Mustafa al-Kadhimi He was the Finance Minister in the Interim government and Oil Minister from 2014 to 2016. He formerly served as finance minister in the Interim government and Oil Minister from 2014 to 2016. 1925-1949).
A. besuchte das renommierte, von amerikanischen Jesuiten gegr.
Adil Abdul-Mahdi al-Muntafiki (Arabic: عادل عبد المهدي المنتفكي, born 1 January 1942) is an Iraqi politician and economist.He was the Prime Minister of Iraq from October 2018 to December 2019.. Al-Muntafiki was one of the Vice Presidents of Iraq from 2005 to 2011. Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi submitted his resignation to parliament amid continuing anti-government protests in the capital Baghdad and in southern Iraq.. The Iraqi government on Thursday said that 560 people were killed in the mass popular protests across the country against the former government led by Adel Abdul-Mahdi.