On August 22, 1851, the U.S.-built schooner America bests a fleet of Britain’s finest ships in a race around England’s Isle of Wight. Digging down from what was on the surface a car park, they revealed a skeleton which was male, had many marks of sword or dagger injuries and, most intriguingly, had suffered from curvature of the spine, one of Richard's supposed ailments. Lynn Nolan Ryan, Jr. was born January Annie Proulx, author of The Shipping News, is born on August 22, 1935 in Norwich, Connecticut. The rest of the convention is marked by demonstrations outside the meeting hall; hundreds of protestors are arrested and many are On August 22, 1989, Nolan Ryan of the Texas Rangers becomes the first pitcher in major league history to register 5,000 career strikeouts. The king’s army, which had arrived first, had formed at the top of Ambian Hill with Richard himself in command and wearing his battle crown and royal arms. In 1486, King Henry VII’s marriage to Elizabeth, the daughter of Edward IV, united the houses of Lancaster and York and formally ended the bloody War of the Roses.Irish revolutionary and Sinn Fein politician Michael Collins is killed in an ambush in west County Cork, Ireland. The Battle of Bosworth Field (or Battle of Bosworth) was the last significant battle of the Wars of the Roses, the civil war between the Houses of Lancaster and York that raged across England in the latter half of the 15th century. The Battle of Bosworth Field was fought on the morning of August 22, 1485, and marked the end of the War Of The Roses, the 30-year civil war between the houses of York and Lancaster. The War of the Roses left little mark on the common English people but severely thinned the ranks of the English nobility. On August President Abraham Lincoln writes a carefully worded letter in response to an abolitionist editorial by Horace Greeley, the editor of the influential New York Tribune, and hints at a change in his policy concerning slavery. This support contributed largely to his total army of around 5,000. On his march to the Battle of Bosworth, his numbers at least doubled. This was a king more than capable of defending his throne on the battlefield, and even Shakespeare has Richard perk up a bit on the morning of the battle: "Conscience is but a word that cowards use…Our strong arms be our conscience, swords our Henry’s force met the king’s army at Market Bosworth, a small village near Leicester on 22 August 1485 CE. Among the royalty who perished were Richard of York; Richard Neville; the earl of Warwick; and kings Henry VI and Richard III. The spot commanded the whole battlefield and had the added advantage of marshland protecting the king’s flank. For only $5 per month you can become a member and support our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide.Our latest articles delivered to your inbox, once a week:Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including We have also been recommended for educational use by the following publications:Some Rights Reserved (2009-2020) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted.Richard may have preferred to engage Henry as soon as possible before he had a chance to swell his numbers with even more defectors from the Crown. His crowning as King Henry VII inaugurated the rule of the house of Tudor over England, a dynasty that would last until Queen Elizabeth’s death in 1603.In the 1450s, English failures in the Hundred Years War with France, coupled with periodic fits of insanity suffered by King Henry VI, led to a power struggle between the two royal houses whose badges were the Red Rose of Lancaster and the White Rose of York. Richard was very likely aware of the treachery in the air and that now his past dark deeds would come back to haunt him. Henry... Still, Henry did have experienced mercenaries from France and Richard, on hearing news of Henry’s invasion force, left Nottingham Castle and assembled his supporters. The ornate silver trophy won by the America was later donated to the New York Yacht Club on condition that it be forever placed in international The Geneva Convention of 1864 for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick of Armies in the Field is adopted by 12 nations meeting in Geneva. Annie lived in various towns in New England and in North Carolina during her childhood, and wrote her The notorious Barker gang robs a Federal Reserve mail truck in Chicago, Illinois, and kills Officer Miles Cunningham. Fought on 22 August 1485, the battle was won by the Lancastrians. Loyal followers were rewarded such as Stanley who was made Earl of Derby, Constable of England, and allowed to keep the rich hangings from Richard’s tent at Bosworth. When the Citroen DS On August 22, 1776, the British arrive at Long Island, between Gravesend and New Utrecht, with “near twenty four thousand men ready to land in a moment,” according to one observer.