In Greek mythology, Apollo was the son of Zeus (Jupiter) and Leto (Letona). The Romans bestowed the names of gods and goddesses on the five planets that could be seen in the night sky with the naked eye. Myths about the Solar System Explore mythology associated with the planets of the solar system. Helios is the Greek name of the Sun, the center of our solar system. Classical Mythology Compare the Greek and Roman pantheons, and learn which gods and goddesses are equivalent. One was its inability to predict motions exactly. ...Read more. i love to know more about greek history.

The largest one is Ganymede and it is named after Ganymedes, the hero of the Greek mythology.Saturn is the second largest planet of our system and the sixth planet from the sun. Prometheus is the third of Saturn's known satellites. For eg, Athena in Greek is called Minerva in Roman myths. Some of them are:i love it, Greek myth is my favorite thing to learn, but i though Apollo was the god of the sun?Helios is the Greek name of the sun, but Apollo is the god of the sun.its good want to learn more about greek mythology. This tradition was continued when Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were discovered in more modern times. For those moons have been known for a long time (such as the Galilean moons of Jupiter), the names were assigned from mythological characters. i wanna know it in a beautiful way.We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Because the spheres are concentric, planets will always remain at the same distance from Earth. With the exception of Earth, all of the planets in our solar system have names from Greek or Roman mythology. Roman mythology is to thank for the monikers of most of the eight planets in the solar system. Jupiter was the King of the Gods in Roman mythology, making the name a good choice for what is by far the largest planet in our solar system. The  Titan Cronus was the father of Zeus, while Saturn was the Roman God of agriculture.Greek names were given also to several stars and planetary features in our Galaxy.  The names of stars are chosen by their discoverers as well. The Romans bestowed the names of gods and goddesses on the five planets that could be seen in …

There was some discussion of naming the planet after Le Verrier, but ultimately Neptune, which has a vivid blue color, got its name from the Roman god of the sea. So the seventh planet in the Solar System became known as Uranus, a name suggested by German astronomer Johann Elert Bode. Mercury (Hermes) is the god of commerce, travel and thievery in Roman A third flaw is its inability to explain changes in the brightness of planets as seen from Earth.

Unsurprisingly, the scientific community didn't really like this name, wanting the new planet to keep the tradition of being named after Roman or Greek gods. Only they use different names. Pandora is the fourth of Saturn's known satellites. Other astronomers were interested in dubbing the planet Herschel. Roman mythology is to thank for the monikers of most of the eight planets in the solar system. All Rights Reserved. A related problem is the inability of his models to explain why planets appear to change speed. Jupiter, the solar system’s biggest planet, was named for the king of the Roman gods, while the reddish color of the planet Mars led the Romans to name it after their god of war. He was the twin brother of the goddess Artemis. For example: Greek Gods and Roman Gods are the same. Venus (Aphrodite) Venus was the goddess of love and beauty. In Greek mythology Atlas is a Titan condemned to bear the world upon his shoulders as punishment for attempting to storm the heavens. Below is an overview of the planets, their moons and satellites, and the origin of their names.The first planet from the sun and the eighth largest.The second planet from the Sun and the sixth larges.The third planet from the Sun and the fifth largest.Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the seventh largest.Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest.The seventh planet from the Sun and the third largest (by diameter).The eighth from the Sun and the fourth largest (by diameter).Pluto is the farthest "planet" from the Sun (usually) and the smallest.The "tenth planet," a large ice object formerly known as 2003 UB313, and slightly larger than Pluto. Mars is the Roman god of War. In Greek mythology Prometheus was a Titan who stole fire from the gods and gave it to humankind. ...Read more. The Eudoxan system had several critical flaws. The Greek name of the planet Saturn is Kronos. The following is a list of solar deities: For instance, the word We chose to present the planets according to their distance from the sun.Jupiter has many moons orbiting around the planet.

It is officially designated as 136199 Eris. The planets in our solar system got their names mostly from the Here we will present the Greek names of the planets, as they were given by the ancient Greeks and modern astronomers.There are also several astronomical terms with a Greek origin. The names of the planets are based on mythological characters. This problem was pointed out in Antiquity by Autolycus of Pitane(c. 31… A maverick member of our solar system, discovered only in 1977, Chiron created a niche of its own.