There, despite the dog’s friendly advances, many folks in the building would go out of their way to avoid him. I pulled the leash but he refused to come.”Simba wouldn’t budge, so Mehana moved to pick him up.

Despite how Simba has always been a sweet pup, the neighbors in their building have negatively judged him for being a pit bull.One elderly woman who lived on the floor below Mehana and Simba always took particular care to avoid the pup and shun his advances.“He always tried to greet her, but she called him mean and looked at him with fear,” Mehana told Her attitudes changed, however, after Simba saved her life.Mehana and Simba had recently been returning to their apartment from a walk when the pup suddenly started barking and pawing at the elderly woman’s door—and he refused to leave.As Mehana pulled on Simba’s leash in bewilderment, he heard a faint voice calling for help from inside.The elderly neighbor had fallen and broken her hip.
“She said, ‘Please don’t go.’”The door was unlocked, so Mehana opened it — finding his neighbor collapsed on the floor.“She had broken her hip and been in her home for a while,” Mehana said.For two long days, she’d gone unnoticed. But right as Mufasa falls to his death, she stops and turns to the TV to watch. “But then she said, ‘No, not you — the nice doggie.’”Turns out, that "bad" dog actually had a bigger heart than most. She even lays down right after Simba lays with his dad....We don’t deserve dogs. A cruel, violent owner will create a fearfully aggressive dog (until, the dog is rescued from the abusive owner). Everyone who knows Simba agrees the four-year-old Pit Bull is a very good boy. Mehana called for an ambulance, and he and Simba waited with the neighbor until it arrived. The other day, Mehana and Simba were returning home from a walk when they passed by the neighbor’s unit on their way up the stairs. Mehana also now hopes that Simba’s story will help other people to reconsider their views on pit bulls as well.It’s such a shame that Pitbulls have to endure such rampant ignorant breedism; they are nothing but huge love bugs.
Advertisement - story continues below A cruel, violent owner will create a fearfully aggressive dog (until, the dog is rescued from the abusive owner). “She said, ‘Thank you for hearing me,’” Mehana recalled.

Unfortunately, the pup’s stellar reputation didn’t sway all of his neighbors, including one elderly woman who routinely rebuffed the friendly canine’s attempts to say “hi.” Simba and his owner Arjanit Mehana. A rescued pit bull named Luna in Chattanooga, Tennessee, had the sweetest reaction to "The Lion King" when Mufasa dies and Simba keeps trying to wake him up. The dog probably saved her life. One neighbor in particular, an older woman who lives a floor below, was especially cold to Simba.“He always tried to greet her, but she called him mean and looked at him with fear,” Mehana told The Dodo. Arjanit Mehana.

This is Simba — a sweet-natured pit bull with the friendliest personality. “He began to bark and run to the door where the neighbor lives.

Despite how Simba has always been a sweet pup, the neighbors in their building have negatively judged him for being a pit bull.One elderly woman who lived on the floor below Mehana and Simba always took particular care to avoid the pup and shun his advances.“He always tried to greet her, but she called him mean and looked at him with fear,” Mehana told Her attitudes changed, however, after Simba saved her life.Mehana and Simba had recently been returning to their apartment from a walk when the pup suddenly started barking and pawing at the elderly woman’s door—and he refused to leave.As Mehana pulled on Simba’s leash in bewilderment, he heard a faint voice calling for help from inside.The elderly neighbor had fallen and broken her hip. We, as human beings, must deserve their loyalty and love.” It was at that moment the dog started acting strangely.

I pulled the leash but he refused to come.”Simba wouldn’t budge, so Mehana moved to pick him up. © Copyright 1997–2020 GNN, LLC Woman Was Scared Of Neighbor’s Pit Bull—Until He Saved Her Life “I thought she was talking to me at first. It was at that moment the dog started acting strangely.“He stopped,” Mehana said. However, Simba frightens some people, including Arjanit’s elderly neighbor who really doesn’t like the pit bull. This attentive pit bull is a perfect example of why you should never judge a book by its cover.Simba lives with his owner Arjanit Mehana in an apartment building in Sweden. Mehana describes his dog as “wonderful,” but noticed that many people in his apartment complex showed apprehension about interacting with his pit bull.

“He began to bark and run to the door where the neighbor lives.