Not only is there a lot to examine in more detail, but we only really know half the story because the New Horizons flyby lasted just a few hours. Since Pluto takes 6.4 Earth days to rotate, the probe was only able to photograph one side, although “Our mission concept is to send a single spacecraft to orbit Pluto for two Earth years before breaking away to visit at least one Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) and one other KBO dwarf planet,” Either way, what was discovered at Pluto continues to change planetary science and the search for life beyond Earth. All of this was immediately obvious to the New Horizons team—and profoundly shocking.

Pluto is on average 40 times further from the Sun than Earth is—too far away from Earth to be seen with the naked eye—with sunlight taking around 5.5 hours to reach it. Pluto’s mean distance from the Sun, about 5.9 billion km (3.7 billion miles or 39.5 astronomical units), gives it an orbit larger than that of the outermost planet, Neptune. Professor of Astronomy, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu. Features 

Launch Pluto TV. Drop in to over 250 channels of hit movies, binge-worthy TV shows, the latest breaking news, live sports and more. It that’s true it would be the largest volcano discovered in the outer Solar System. The images form a strip 50 miles (80 kilometers) wide, trending (top to bottom) from the edge of Pluto’s dramatically uneven ice shell thins at Sputnik Planitia, which scientists think may contain a subsurface ocean.

Plans are afoot for an orbiter. Pluto as observed by the New Horizons spacecraft, July 13, 2015.Composite of enhanced colour images of Pluto (right) and Charon (left) taken by the New Horizons spacecraft.

Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.Pluto is not visible in the night sky to the unaided eye. Drop in.

Basic astronomical data.

“The evidence from the New Horizons mission makes it quite hard to explain what we’re seeing without invoking an ocean as an explanation,” said Hand. Pluto has 'Earth-like characteristics,' study says. And Pluto? Pluto has a radius less than half that of Mercury; it is only about two-thirds the size of Earth’s

“Where you find liquid water you generally find life,” said Hand.

It creates a sludge—a kind of lava.

Zeros of dollars.

But also take into account that Pluto is 5.5 times smaller than Earth, so someone on Pluto's surface would be 5.5 times closer to the planet's center of mass. taken by the New Horizons spacecraft’s Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) on July 14, 2015, from a range of about 30,000 miles (48,000 kilometers), showing features as small as 1,500 feet (450 meters) across. Search Britannica 12.

Updated 2:03 PM ET, Thu May 31, 2018 .

Pluto's distance from the sun — and the distance from Earth to Pluto — changes because of the dwarf planet's odd orbit. Chat with us in Facebook Messenger. If life exists on Pluto, it could exist almost everywhere. crust, attributed to freezing of a subsurface ocean. If Pluto could support life, so too could remote, icy exoplanets far from their host star—as well as other dwarf planets, comets, and asteroids in the outer Solar System. “It’s the canary in the coal mine for habitability.” This has massive implications for astrobiologists searching for life beyond Earth.

Pluto Observational Parameters Discoverer: Clyde Tombaugh Discovery Date: 18 February 1930 Distance from Earth Minimum (10 6 km) 4284.7 Maximum (10 6 km) 7528.0 Apparent diameter from Earth Maximum (seconds of arc) 0.11 Minimum (seconds of arc) 0.06 Mean values at opposition from Earth Distance from Earth (10 6 km) 5750.54 Apparent diameter (seconds of arc) 0.08 Apparent visual …

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