In 1916, he joined the German war effort, but with behind the scenes manoeuvring by his father, Klee was spared serving at the front and ended up painting camouflage on airplanes and working as a clerk.He continued to paint during the entire war and managed to exhibit in several shows. Klee visited the primary school and received, at the age of seven, violin classes at the Municipal Music School. Toute violation de ces droits sera poursuivie conformément aux dispositions de la législation de l'UE en vigueur.Copyright © 2020 ArtWizard Ltd. All Rights Reserved Il était si doué au violon qu’à l’âge de onze ans, il a été invité à jouer un rôle exceptionnel en tant que membre de l’Association de la musique de Berne.À ses débuts, il souhaitait devenir musicien conformément aux souhaits de ses parents. As a young child, he developed a taste for classical music, with works by composers like Johann Sebastian Bach and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart among his favorite pieces. “Color and I are one. Check out the exclusive rewards, As our patron, you’ll become a member and join us in our effort to support the arts.Celebrating creativity and promoting a positive culture by spotlighting the best sides of humanity—from the lighthearted and fun to the thought-provoking and enlightening.
Avec son esprit sec caractéristique, il écrivit: "Après tout, il est plutôt difficile d'atteindre le minimum exact, et cela comporte des risques." Il était un ami du peintre russe Ses conférences, Writings on Form and Design Theory, publiées en anglais sous le titre «Paul Klee Notebooks», ont été comparées comme étant d'importance pour l'art moderne par rapport à celles de Léonard de Vinci pour l'art de la Renaissance.

Involved with and influenced by several different movements—including His avant-garde approach to art landed him a teaching job at the famous Dorment is not the only one who viewed Klee’s paintings as sentient beings.
"The release of the Almanac was delayed for the benefit of an exhibition.

En 1916, il s'engage dans l'effort de guerre allemand mais, grâce aux manœuvres discrètes de son père, Klee est épargné.

At the same time, Kandinsky published his art history writing Uber das Geistige in der Kunst.When the World War I began, Klee was somewhat detached from it, as he wrote ironically, "I have long had this war in me. They lived in a suburb of Munich, and while she gave piano lessons and occasional performances, he kept house and tended to his art work. Some of his works—like Today, Klee is known as a master of both modernist color and form. All rights reserved. Image via Zentrum Paul Klee; Right: Goethe’s color wheel, published in Theory of Colours. At the same time, Kandinsky published his art history writing Uber das Geistige in der Kunst.When the World War I began, Klee was somewhat detached from it, as he wrote ironically, "I have long had this war in me. Vers cette époque, le travail graphique de Klee a connu une augmentation et son penchant précoce pour l'absurde et le sarcastique a été bien accueilli par Kubin. Here we used watercolors on book’s pages, used as a grid of perpendicular lines.

In 1910, he had his first solo exhibition in Bern, which then has been showed in three galleries in Switzerland.In January 1911 Alfred Kubin met Klee in Munich encouraging him to illustrate Voltaires Candide. Klee was very fond of color theory and experimented largely with it, and also had some publications about it. Klee met, through Kubin, the art critic Wilhelm Hausenstein in 1911, and was in the summer that year foundation member and manager of the Munich artists' union “Sema”.Later on, Klee made one of his most important acquaintances, as he met August Macke and Wassily Kandinsky, and in winter he joined the editorial team of the Almanach “Der Blaue Reiter”, founded by Franz Marc and Kandinsky.When he met Kandinsky, Paul Klee remembers: "I came to feel a deep trust in him. His very individual style is influenced by several art movements, that included cubism, expressionism and surrealism.

His friends Macke and Marc both died in battle. Son père, originaire de Tann, a étudié au conservatoire de Stuttgart en chant, piano, orgue et violon, où il a rencontré sa future épouse, Ida Frick.Jusqu'en 1931, le père de Klee était professeur de musique au séminaire d'État de Berne à Hofwil, près de Berne. His father came from Tann and studied at the Stuttgart Conservatory singing, piano, organ and violin, where he met his future wife Ida Frick. Paul Klee, the creator of color theory… ArtWizard, 04.11.2019 "Color is the place where our brain and the Universe meet.” Paul Klee (1879 - 1940) was a German and Swiss painter.