If the temperature has dropped, but there is still no contractions, then you need to urgently consult a specialist. TaranDigital ltd also participates in affiliate programs with Bluehost, Clickbank, CJ, ShareASale, and other sites. You should feed a healthy and high-quality food diet to your German Shepherd.Its reproduction quality will depend on its health, age, and nutrition. Then you need to treat the vagina and external genitalia with a weak solution of Do not forget to cut your nails, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and rub with medical alcohol. Due to old age, milk production can be reduced.A Healthy German Shepherd can give birth to 6 to 9 puppies at a time. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body structure. If the dog does not eat anything and does not want to cope with its natural needs, it is necessary to wrap it up more warmly and urgently call a veterinarian to provide medical assistance.Why is it necessary to feed the shepherd with food with a high content of minerals, vitamins and remove raw meat from the diet before giving birth? Con un buon allenamento, diventeranno cani da guardia perfetti. Il pastore tedesco viene allevato per proteggere mandrie o fare la guardia alle case. German Shepherd can reproduce their whole life if they are physically healthy and fit. After the baby has finished eating, wrap it in a dry towel, and put it in a separate box in front of her mother.If puppies are already born, but the shepherd still does not have milk, then feed them with pre-prepared goat milk from a pipette.If your dog begins to breathe normally and finally calms down, then the birth is over. It can be a result of an accident, or you want to breed your german shepherd dog. Thirdly, in two weeks the nipples begin to swell. It can take up to 2 years to the cycles to become regular. If you decide to do everything yourself, you should know what items you may need during childbirth, how to take puppies and bandage the umbilical cord correctly, and what to do so that the dog does not eat its puppies. Read this to learn how to care for a dog in heat. Do not forget about the ledge around the perimeter of the block, so that the German shepherd could not pin her puppies to the wall.Several obvious signs can tell about future births.Firstly, a month before the start of the process, the pregnant shepherd’s stomach is rounded. Estrus is when a German Shepherd can get pregnant.A Female German Shepherd comes in heat every 6 months. After these manipulations, wipe the puppy with a towel and massage to stimulate blood circulation and breathing.It’s time to put the newborn to the nipples of the mother and wait for the puppy to start eating. German Shepherds are great pets and preparation for your dog giving birth will be one of the most important things you do for her throughout the birth process.
Indeed, in the first hours of his life, a puppy assimilates a large number of antibodies from mother’s milk. When a German Shepherd goes in the heat, most owners do not know what to do. It happens that a dog eats its puppies. Secondly, for three weeks the genital swelling, discharge appears. A female German Shepherd’s fertility is at its peak when she is between 2 to 8 years old.At this age, female German shepherds will be at their maximum chances of pregnancy.However, after 8 years the female german shepherd can start getting weaker. TaranDigital ltd is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. I created this website to give information to Dog owners, especially German Shepherd Dogs, and try to solve their problems. If it does not help, try taking her for a short walk to relieve her natural needs. Your German Shepherd will show changes in its appetite.She may feel nausea or eat less.

For a German shepherd, the birth of seven puppies is the norm.The last afterbirth can come out within an hour. Choose the right material – so that it is easy to clean and does not absorb odor.It is worthwhile to familiarize the German shepherd with a suitable place for childbirth in advance, about ten days so that she does not decide to choose another angle that is completely unsuitable for this important moment. But sometimes the last puppies are born several hours later. The average number of newborn puppies is seven.If the birth occurred in the winter, then you need to install an additional heat source – an infrared lamp is just right.When the birth begins, there should not be strangers to the dog next to the dog, otherwise, it will begin to get nervous and show aggression, especially when the appearance of its first puppy.For normal birth, a special maternity box is suitable.