The general belief is that baby boys have bigger and blockier skulls than girls. Remember to ask them to show you exactly what they are looking at. Have another ultrasound at 34 weeks just don’t know weather to keep it a surprise as we are nearly there now.Wow Malinda, that is confusing! How do The Gender Experts Predict Nub Theory? This group is for women who wish to seek other people's advice in what gender they could be having. By Regaine123, March 3 in Ultrasound Gender Prediction. When we look at scientific experts in fields like anthropology and archeology, we begin to realize why skull theory is a great conversation starter — but shouldn’t be relied upon to genuinely determine a baby’s gender. 12 week ultrasound gender prediction Any predictions It's really hard to make out lol. More specifically, boys have a defined brow ridge, square chin, and more angled jaws. Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18 Week 19 Week 20 Week 21 Week 22 Week 23 Week 24 Week 25 Week 26 Week 27 Third Trimester.

I know U/S’s are pretty accurate, re gender; HOWEVER, I really think people need to hear and absorb the words…’It is not 100%’.

The second or third trimester ultrasound can more accurately predict sex. With regards to determining sex, what this means is that the absence of a penis does not inherently mean that you have a girl. Any predictions It's really hard to make out lol.
Usually the earliest point you can tell the sex of a baby from a scan is 20 weeks, so the quirky theory is popular with those who can’t wait to find out if they’re having a little girl or boy.Between 11-13 weeks, all babies are said to have a ‘nub’ between their legs called the genital tubercle, and according to this theory the angle of the nub will indicate whether it’s a It’s said that if the nub is over 30 degrees up from the spine, it’s a boy – but if it’s under that then it’s a girl.Not convinced? Last ultrasound 28 weeks told that we should expect a boy. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Joined: May 5, 2013 Messages: 145 Likes Received: 0.

While telling the difference can sometimes be tricky, there are a few things the sonographer will look for to make the determination.
Inquire if the technician can use “nub theory” at around 11-12 weeks.

While most sonographers will happily give you their “best guess” there’s no way to know your baby’s gender for sure until you’re holding that baby in your arms. Unfortunately, research into … The 12 week ultrasound is the first chance to get a peek at your baby’s sex organs and maybe …

Please reply.It’s great to know more about getting an ultrasound. It’s called skull theory, and while some women swear by it, others view it as nothing more than an urban legend.Skull theory — also sometimes written as skull gender theory — is the belief that you can accurately predict the gender of your baby well before the 20-week scan by looking at your earlier ultrasound images. If you opt to learn what you’re having before you give birth, keep in mind that the only (mostly) “goof-proof” options are an early blood test or at your 20-week anatomy scan.

Verywell Family uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Many of the skull differences listed as the determiners for boys versus girls are actually only visible in adult skulls.

And is it in the USA (which part). When the gender is different than anticipated though, there is for some (more than you’d imagine), a little bit of a sense of loss for the gender that was anticipated/expected. I have posted below a fab link to go to with your 12 week scan pic. Good luck, I guess you will know for sure either way pretty soon Hi Malinda, So what did you end up having ? Week 28 Week 29 Week 30 Week 31 Week 32 Week 33 Week 34 Week 35 Week 36 Week 37 Week 38 Week 39 Week 40 Tim Hale / Stone / Getty Images.